Card and Board Games Lunch Money and Sticks & Stones
From: aquaboi04 Posted on: 4/16/2005 5:40 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 609.1

I really Love Lunch Money and the expansion (is there more to come???) But with the new expansion, a lot of the rules have become ambiguous. Case in point...

Senario 1: Say i play Big Combo (or any attack for that matter), mr friend plays a Block (or Dodge) and Faster.
Q: If I play Imaginary Friend and my basic attack, does the Faster count in defending against it or does my friend have to play another defense?

The rules say:
"Faster" ...unlimited Blocks or Dodges for the duration of the turn.
"Imaginary Friend" ...extends it's players turn...after all normal attacks, defenses, and counter-attacks have been resolved...

-We have been playing that if all normal attacks, defenses, and counter-attacks have been resolved then the faster only applies to the Big Combo (or whatever attack) but since everything has been resolved the Faster does not carry over to the Imaginary Friendd's could probably go either way since the Faster gives unlimited Blocks or Dodges for the duration of the turn and the Imaginary friend extends the players turn.

Senario 2: A player has a weapon...
Q: Can I Grab and, if successful, Disarm the weapon?
I know it works for Chunk but does that apply to other weapns as well?

-Thought about it but havent actually had to do that (and Abandonment works better and easier).

Senario 3a: Tantrum seems to be a sourse of many contrversies...
I am Wedgied. I play Tantrum on an opponent. Since all my attacks are -1 and Tantrum is 5 separate attacks...
Q: Is Tantrum worth 0,or is it worth 4(The face value -1)?

-We say 0 since ALL attacks are - 1.

Senario 3b: Say i play my Tantrum with a Weird (I'm not Wedgied or Stomped)...
Q: Is the Tantrum 7 individual attacks or 5 individual attacks plus an attack for 2?

-This came up only once or twice and we said 5 individuals +one attack for 2.

Senario 4: I play Poke in the Eye (or any specialty card that has an after effect, e.g. Stomp, Cooties, Wedgy, etc.) and my oppenent Backlashes...
Q: I know i take the damage, but do i take the effect as well?

-We say no effects befall the attacker, just damage.

Okay I think that is all that we have for now. As you can probably tell, we've played a lot and thes little weird situations come into play. I hope you or anyother players can help sort out the ambiguity with some of these cards. Awesome game guys keep up the good work!

Edited 4/18/2005 1:45 pm ET by aquaboi04
From: John Nephew Posted on: 4/28/2005 11:45 am
To: aquaboi04
Message: 609.3
in reply to: 609.1

Hey there!

Your Scenario 1: I agree with this interpretation: "-We have been playing that if all normal attacks, defenses, and counter-attacks have been resolved then the faster only applies to the Big Combo (or whatever attack) but since everything has been resolved the Faster does not carry over to the Imaginary Friendd's attack." The reasoning would be Imaginary Friend's wording "after all normal attacks, defenses, and counter-attacks have been resolved" (the Faster is part of the defense resolution).

> Senario 2: A player has a weapon...
> Q: Can I Grab and, if successful, Disarm the weapon?
> I know it works for Chunk but does that apply to other
> weapns as well?

Nope, you can't do that with the old weapons. (Note the wording of Chunk -- it " disarmed differently than a normal Weapon card; it can be Disarmed when not in play.")

> Senario 3a: Tantrum seems to be a sourse of many contrversies...
> I am Wedgied. I play Tantrum on an opponent. Since all my attacks
> are -1 and Tantrum is 5 separate attacks...
> Q: Is Tantrum worth 0,or is it worth 4(The face value -1)?
>-We say 0 since ALL attacks are - 1.

I agree.

> Senario 3b: Say i play my Tantrum with a Weird (I'm not Wedgied or
> Stomped)...
> Q: Is the Tantrum 7 individual attacks or 5 individual attacks plus
> an attack for 2?
> -This came up only once or twice and we said 5 individuals +one
> attack for 2.

Strictly speaking, it changes it to be 5 individual attacks; one of those attacks does 3 points, the other four do 1 point. (I'm extrapolating from the Weird rule sentence that says "When played in conjunction with a combo...")

> Senario 4: I play Poke in the Eye (or any specialty card that has an
> after effect, e.g. Stomp, Cooties, Wedgy, etc.) and my oppenent
> Backlashes...
> Q: I know i take the damage, but do i take the effect as well?
> -We say no effects befall the attacker, just damage.

I agree, since Blacklast reads "It causes the attacker to suffer the counter damage his or her attack(s) would have caused..." -- it explicitly identifies counter loss, and does not mention special effects.

Sorry it took me a while to respond!

-John Nephew
President, Atlas Games

From: aquaboi04 Posted on: May-3 1:20 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 609.4
in reply to: 609.3
Just wanted to say thank you. This is a really great game and it helps a lot to clear up some of the ambiguity that we fight over(yes we actually fight over it, lol). If anything else comes up, I'll let you know!
P.S. If I was a lot closer to you guys I'd definitly love to playtest this game and future expansions or other games like it, it's pure ass-kicking fun!