Ars Magica camelepard
From: abrahamray Posted on: 4/19/2005 8:38 pm
Message: 613.1
what would be the stats for the camellepard?
any vis from it?
From: adumbratus Posted on: 4/20/2005 2:22 am
Message: 613.2
in reply to: 613.1

I had to look it up:

Camelepard in Greek (Septuagint), also used in English for giraffe (camelopard).
Ditza in Aramaic (see Targum on Proverbs 5:19).
Zemer in Hebrew.
Zarafa (from which the English word is derived) in Arabic (Saadia; Ibn Janach; Radak, Sherashim; Shiltey Gibborim 53).

From: abrahamray Posted on: 4/20/2005 1:36 pm
To: adumbratus
Message: 613.3
in reply to: 613.2
thanks,now what about the stats & vis?
From: Bearnard Posted on: 4/20/2005 1:46 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 613.4
in reply to: 613.3

Why don't you download the Bestiary from Atlas Games' site?

There are quite a few animals with stats in there, you can probably modify one of them to form stats for a giraffe.

Why would a giraffe have any vis in it? It's not a magical animal. Horses don't have vis in them, neither do sheep. Why a giraffe?

From: Draco Posted on: 4/21/2005 3:56 am
To: Bearnard
Message: 613.5
in reply to: 613.4

"Why would a giraffe have any vis in it? It's not a magical animal. Horses don't have vis in them, neither do sheep. Why a giraffe?"

Because they are very exotic creatures - and to medival europe as magical as a cockatrice...

From: Bearnard Posted on: 4/21/2005 4:25 am
To: Draco
Message: 613.6
in reply to: 613.5

"Because they are very exotic creatures - and to medival europe as magical as a cockatrice..."

I'm not an expert on history or biology, but how many giraffes were there in medieval Europe? I've always thought it was a species that lived on the savannahs of Africa.

From: StevePettit Posted on: 4/21/2005 12:53 pm
To: Bearnard
Message: 613.7
in reply to: 613.6

I believe they are mentioned in several bestiary of the day, probably translated from Greek, Roman, or Arabic sources. The greeks, most likely, learned of them from the Egyptians, who learned of them from the Nubians, whose empire the egyptians conquered...


From: abrahamray Posted on: 4/21/2005 5:46 pm
Message: 613.8
in reply to: 613.7
yes,they were mentioned in some texts,however I think that they thought that they were a crossbreed of camel & pard(again,I think thats what they thought)
From: caribet Posted on: 4/22/2005 4:17 am
To: abrahamray
Message: 613.9
in reply to: 613.8

general rule-of-thumb for beasties is:

most examples of (what we think of as) mundane beasts (beasts which live in large numbers) are indeed entirely mundane, with no powers and no vis in their bodies;
of those beasts, a small fraction are special "beasts of virtue", or such: they have a Might score, supernatural powers, and leave vis behind.

As another rule-of-thumb, 1 pawn of vis per 5 Might is about the norm...