D20 System Games Thank you, Atlas Games!
From: Zeraph_G Posted on: 4/21/2005 4:30 am
Message: 614.1

I don't know how often you designers frequent these boards, however I want to give you one big *thank you!!!* for your great d20 products wich have really boosted my game, especially *Maiden Voyage*, *Dynasties & Demagogues* and of course the famous *Penumbra Fantasy Bestiary*.

In May, I am going to launch a great one shot LARP with *Empire of Owls* as the base!

Maybe your company is not the biggest d20 seller out there, but really, it's the best one!



From: John Nephew Posted on: May-2 3:42 pm
To: Zeraph_G
Message: 614.2
in reply to: 614.1


Thanks for the praise. It's very nice to receive.

-John Nephew
President, Atlas Games

From: marklawford Posted on: May-2 5:29 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 614.3
in reply to: 614.2
And don't forget the excellent Ars Magica Fifth Edition and the two fantastic source books. If this is what you can do on diminished staffing, I'd like to see you at full strength.
From: Zeraph_G Posted on: May-4 9:09 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 614.4
in reply to: 614.2

I hope you continue to supply us gamers with so formidable sourcebooks!


Edited 5/4/2005 9:17 am ET by Zeraph_G
From: John Nephew Posted on: May-4 3:43 pm
To: Zeraph_G
Message: 614.5
in reply to: 614.4
Well, I stayed home this morning to work on the layout REALMS OF POWER: THE DIVINE without distractions...