Card and Board Games Gloom Card Printing Problem
From: livewirerc Posted on: 4/26/2005 11:07 am
Message: 620.1

I recently purchased Gloom and to my chagrin there seems to be a printing issue with my cards. The text boxes have black spots and missing ink, making many of the cards unreadable. quite a bit of the ink is also very light, and the card values show through to the other side. Has anyone else had these problems or did I get a bum deck?


From: John Nephew Posted on: 4/28/2005 11:34 am
To: livewirerc
Message: 620.2
in reply to: 620.1

We have had some issues with production quality, and some decks certainly came out better than others. Most of them are imperfect but usable -- some are really problematic. In some cases we've had people receive two of the same deck, or be missing a few cards (typically cards that appear at the front or back of the deck).

Folks who have a problem deck should contact me directly ( with their address and a list of the cards that are bad or missing (you can use the card list at for comparison, if necessary); then I can fish through my stash of loose decks for replacements. If most of the cards are bad, then we may have to go for another solution. In most cases one should be able to return a defective deck to the retailer, too (they'll send it back to the distributor who will send it back to us) for a replacement or a refund. But if it's just a matter of a couple of cards, the best solution is for me to just drop them in the mail to you.

-John Nephew
President, Atlas Games

From: GAstleford Posted on: Jun-23 10:50 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 620.3
in reply to: 620.2

Hey John,

I just wanted to say thanks for the replacement cards!


From: John Nephew Posted on: Jun-24 11:46 am
To: GAstleford
Message: 620.4
in reply to: 620.3
No problem, Gary. We're sorry there was a problem that needed fixing! ;-)