Ars Magica Faerie Magic
From: dhaerinck Posted on: 4/27/2005 1:13 pm
Message: 623.1

Greetings !

I'm kind of new to the Ars Magica world ( and to this forum of course ) as I just bought a couple of days ago the fifth edition rulebook. So far I'm very enthousiastic. There is a point in the rules that I didn't managed to find an answer for, and that is Faerie Magic.

I found a couple of references to Faerie Magic in the book. For instance, on page 27, the character template for House Merinita shows a Faerie Magic 1 Ability ( illusions ) in the Abilities section. And in another instance, on page 183, when describing the Realm interaction in terms of Aura modifiers, the text gives the example of a magus who has a Faerie-based power to create illusions. Again the reference to illusions and Faerie Power.

How does one get the Faerie Magic Ability ( which I never found in the Ability list anyway ) ? The only thing I found out about Faerie Magic is on page 92 : Merinita : Faerie Magic. But the text only explains that a magus from this House can employ different Duration, Target or Range for his hermetic spells. There is nothing about a Faerie Magic Ability or any other king of Faerie Magic.

Did I miss something ? I could use some guidance. Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to give me some infos.

From: Dr. Tom Posted on: 4/27/2005 5:14 pm
To: dhaerinck
Message: 623.2
in reply to: 623.1
They've just made a correction in the Errata to the Merinita template. Faerie magic used to be an ability in 4th edition. That changed with 5th edition, but some stuff slipped through the cracks.
From: dhaerinck Posted on: 4/27/2005 11:22 pm
To: Dr. Tom
Message: 623.3
in reply to: 623.2

Oh, thank you so much.
