Ars Magica Update at SHR
From: niallchristi Posted on: 4/30/2005 5:27 pm
Message: 625.1

Salve Sodales,

It gives me great pleasure to announce the launch of a new resource at SHR: Camera Mysteriorum

In this section of SHR we present a number of different types of resource, intended for quick and easy incorporation into sagas. Please feel free to browse and make use of whatever you find here (for non-profit purposes only - copyright for the contents of SHR remains with its creators). Please also consider contributing to the Camera Mysteriorum as a way of expressing your gratitude to the others who have done so. More details may be found at the URL given above.

As always, we will continue to accept contributions for the other sections of SHR, including articles, fiction, art, entries for the Liber Amicorum, etc. Please consult our submission guidelines for details:

Webmaster, SHR

Edited 4/30/2005 5:30 pm ET by niallchristi
From: niallchristi Posted on: Jul-20 1:05 am
To: niallchristi
Message: 625.2
in reply to: 625.1

Salve Sodales,

Some major updates recently at SHR. Today we took our first step towards multilingualism with the addition of a Spanish sanctum, El Sanctum de Naphel:

We have also recently added a discussion of evil in the OoH, by Angus Macdonald, and several short articles in the Camera Mysteriorum by various authors.

Check out the full list of updates at:

Webmaster, SHR