Ars Magica Mercurian Magic Virtue
From: daoc2k Posted on: May-6 12:37 am
Message: 630.1
Mercurian magic halves Vis cost for rituals. Does this include Longevity Rituals?
From: Berengar Posted on: May-6 1:59 am
To: daoc2k
Message: 630.2
in reply to: 630.1

No. Having the Virtue 'Mercurian Magic' means, that "any Ritual spells which you cast have only half the usual vis requirement" (ArM5 p.46), but Longevity Rituals are not spells.

Kind regards,


From: daoc2k Posted on: May-6 4:03 am
To: Berengar
Message: 630.3
in reply to: 630.2

good, I am stuck at work and sans book : (

Was working with HWYNN earlier today on some theoretical Magus progression given the books available in the Rhine Tribunal. And we were looking at LR's that could be made at different ages. Vis limit of 2 X MT was coming up as the limited and I couldn't remember if Merccurian Magic affected LR......kinda glad it doesn't.

We got sidetracked off onto an original research discussion about making LR's more Vis effecient and how Vis expensive that research would be (we are figuring 11 pawns per season) and its pretty steep.

From: Ravenscroft Posted on: May-6 10:06 am
To: daoc2k
Message: 630.4
in reply to: 630.3

However, you might want to revise the limit on seasonal vis usage up, to
say triple Magic Theory. The current limit is a real, serious limit, and
loosening it a bit may better suit some sagas.

David Chart
Ars Magica Line Editor

Dont know if you saw this when it was posted.
Might make things a bit easier in your saga.


From: daoc2k Posted on: May-6 4:14 pm
To: Ravenscroft
Message: 630.5
in reply to: 630.4
Very cool, our SG saw that and may change the limit for our saga. However for the test we are working on, I think the original limit will be best. The original research needed to change the limit to 3 X MT would be interesting to do during our test run though.
From: qcifer Posted on: May-6 6:14 pm
To: daoc2k
Message: 630.6
in reply to: 630.5
I like that idea, using Original Research to increase the amount of Vis that can be used in a Season. 2x is limiting, but it makes for good game stuff to work to transcend that limit. I probably will use that.
From: spuwdsda2 Posted on: May-7 2:21 am
To: qcifer
Message: 630.7
in reply to: 630.6

Alternatively/additionally, you could rule that the MT of assistants sum with the leader to form the limit.

Max Vis Use = [sum of MT scores of team] x 2


- David W

From: Berengar Posted on: May-7 5:55 am
To: daoc2k
Message: 630.8
in reply to: 630.5

//The original research needed to change the limit to 3 X MT would be interesting to do during our test run though.//

I think it is anyway a very good idea to introduce houserules like the 3xMT vis limit, which relevantly increases the power of the Order, by having somebody make a Breakthrough in the campaign and then playing out its hermetic, political and personal consequences.

Just introducing such rules variants by SG fiat at the beginning means, that the SG(s) will have to expect surprises in later supplements, unless scanning each for contradictions before use; and such contradictions, when concerning stuff like a raised vis limit, can be well hidden.

Kind regards,
