Ars Magica potential lab item
From: abrahamray Posted on: Jun-8 3:54 pm
Message: 648.1
Item name-globe of weather
basically it is a glode that show the weather from around the world on command
it comes from a lab speacilized in weather magic
not sure what the lab bonuses would be or the vis cost though(please help there)
lab persinlization was first shown in the wizards grimore
From: caribet Posted on: Jun-8 6:01 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 648.2
in reply to: 648.1

you are back in the same old bad habits.

You will not get a sensible answer to this - it's not a useful question, nor a useful contribution to discussion.

Read the Manual - work out the steps, then write back!

From: Ravenscroft Posted on: Jun-8 11:48 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 648.3
in reply to: 648.2

This one is easy , use InAu (base effect level 04) with (Duration : Ring) and (Target : Circle).

Once Magus Assinius has drawn a circle round the entire planet , he will then be able to know the Weather anywhere in the world by looking at the globe in his lab which is an arcane connection to his spell.

From: Tuura Posted on: Jun-9 12:27 pm
To: Ravenscroft
Message: 648.4
in reply to: 648.3

Let me beat AbrahamRay to his next question, how do make a spell that creates a circle that surrounds the planet?

No one should try to answer this question, I'm just joking around!


Edited 6/9/2005 12:27 pm ET by Tuura
From: Bearnard Posted on: Jun-9 2:09 pm
To: Tuura
Message: 648.5
in reply to: 648.4

Not to mention the insane amount of concentration rolls required to draw a big circle; one every round while not traveling faster than 5 feet per second, while making sure that nothing breaks the circle while tracing it.

Unless, of course, one draws a circle the size of the coin and says it is the area left outside.

From: Tuura Posted on: Jun-9 3:07 pm
To: Bearnard
Message: 648.6
in reply to: 648.5

I suppose one could create say a gold hand that's capable of holding a piece of chalk. One could teach the hand how to draw a circle. Then one could create a piece of chalk that leaves a mark that lasts for a year. Then the hand could be sent on it's way to draw the circle. This would avoid the issues of trying to maintain concentration while a magus draws the circle. It's also alot easier on your back!

This still doesn't address the issue of how does one draw a circle over water. I suppose though, if you took the time to make and teach this 'hand', you might as well put some time into making a piece of chalk that can draw a line on water (and doesn't break).

so having done all this, then yes could cast your spell range circle, and have your weather spell. Since the line will last for a duration of year, do you think the hand will finish drawing the circle before the line dissappears? That problem I leave for AbrahamRay to resolve...


From: abrahamray Posted on: Jun-9 6:47 pm
To: Tuura
Message: 648.7
in reply to: 648.6
sorry,in 4th ed. in the books that I have seen they didn't give stats for lab equipment.
think of this as a divinition effect(regoarum 25)to see the weather on other parts of the world.
also the effect probibly would be 60(for a world wide weather devinition)

Edited 6/9/2005 6:54 pm ET by abrahamray
From: Tuura Posted on: Jun-9 6:57 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 648.8
in reply to: 648.7

If you think rego aurum is a divination effect then you clearly haven't read the books. I'm not going to help you figure this out. I will distract you with unreasonable solutions to your unreasonable proposals.

Tell me how to design a piece of chalk that makes a line that can not be broke and can exist on water. Tell me how to make a gold hand that can hold a piece of chalk and draw a circle. When you can do this, I'll show you how make your spell.


From: niallchristi Posted on: Jun-9 8:34 pm
To: Tuura
Message: 648.9
in reply to: 648.8

"Tell me how to make a gold hand that can hold a piece of chalk and draw a circle."

Easy - raid the set of Flash Gordon. *grin*

Or maybe I'm the only one old enough to remember that movie...


From: Tuura Posted on: Jun-9 9:14 pm
To: niallchristi
Message: 648.10
in reply to: 648.9


Flash a-ah
Savior of the Universe
He save everyone of us
He's a miracle
King of the impossible

He's for everyone of us
Stand for everyone of us
He save with a mighty hand
Every man every woman
Every chill-he's a mighty

Just a man
With a man's courage
Nothing but a man
But he can never fail
No-one but the pure at heart
May find the Golden Grail


From: Ravenscroft Posted on: Jun-9 11:29 pm
Message: 648.11
in reply to: 648.10

Doesnt it feel like we are shaving with 'Occam's Razor' while riding 'Balaam's Ass' beneath the 'Sword of Damocles' and at the same time trying to "Square the Circle" using a straightedge and a compass. :-)

The next task for Magus Assinius ben Dover will be to create 'Occam's Razor' and the 'Sword of Damocles'.

and from IMDB re Flash Gordon

but "Flesh Gordon" was more amusing

From: daoc2k Posted on: Jun-11 2:15 am
To: Tuura
Message: 648.12
in reply to: 648.8

Ah ha, use Creo Imanginoem to make the circle....oh wait. You will need to be far enough away from the earth to see the whole circle to cast the spell.

I think this will be level 6.25
Range fish
Duration cheeseburger (as long as it takes to eat a cheeseburger)
Target the earth
When the caster SNEEZES vigorously while dancing in orange shoes, the spell make a ring around the earth what do you guys think?

Edited 6/11/2005 4:21 am ET by daoc2k
From: Hwhnn Posted on: Jun-11 10:23 pm
To: daoc2k
Message: 648.13
in reply to: 648.12

Wand of Clamato Juice

When you point the wand at a glass of vodka, it fills the glass with Clamato juice.

Level: .25 on a breathalyzer.
Tech/Form Muto/Aquam: (who would do such a bad thing to vodka)
Range: Never more than an arms length away.
Duration: Until last call

Please tell me what you think.

From: Ravenscroft Posted on: Jun-14 4:37 am
To: daoc2k
Message: 648.14
in reply to: 648.12

sorry but duration 'cheeseburger' is just not in Paradigm.
duration : eel and leek pie is probably ok though.

Plus you should probably define the fish , as they have different ranges depending on the Dancing in Trondheim.

From: abrahamray Posted on: Jun-15 3:36 pm
Message: 648.15
in reply to: 648.12
sorry,I meant intelegem arum
From: Ravenscroft Posted on: Jun-15 10:46 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 648.16
in reply to: 648.15

Please , for the sake of obfuscation , could you mis-spell only in English as i cant work out what you mean otherwise.

Kindest Dis-Regards
(Sorry Berengar)

From: daoc2k Posted on: Jun-17 5:25 am
To: abrahamray
Message: 648.17
in reply to: 648.15

"Intelegem" is the new 4.3 gHz processor from Intel. I don't think you can use that word without there pirmisson.

I would like a rum too, can I have mine in a short glass with ice?

From: abrahamray Posted on: Jun-20 5:35 pm
To: daoc2k
Message: 648.18
in reply to: 648.17
intelegem was my attempt at spelling the teqnuiqe form of intelgo.
From: daoc2k Posted on: Jun-20 6:22 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 648.19
in reply to: 648.18
Intelgo is the trademarked name for the heads of Leggo people. Please try again. You will find the words in the rulebook, which you obviously still have not taken the time to read. Please do not post until you do.

Edited 6/22/2005 3:09 am ET by daoc2k
From: abrahamray Posted on: Jun-23 5:34 pm
To: daoc2k
Message: 648.20
in reply to: 648.19
in 4th ed.that is how the art for mind effects are spelled!(I think)

Edited 6/23/2005 5:37 pm ET by abrahamray
From: caribet Posted on: Jun-24 4:21 am
To: abrahamray
Message: 648.21
in reply to: 648.20

> in 4th ed.that is how the art for mind effects are spelled!(I think)

"Don't think, check"!!
(and after checking, try reading back what you type, and seeing if it is spelled correctly... your normal spelling appears to be "write-once-randomly"....)

1) the word you misspelled, is spelled "Intellego"
2) Intellego is the Technique for divinatory and investigative magics for all Forms
3) the Form for mind effects is "Mentem"

Go back and read it again...

You have the downloaded PDF of the book - but you show very little sign that you open it up and check before posting... you will learn far, far more if you bother to *read* some of it, and to read it carefully.

To be nitpicky in 4e, assuming accents come through OK, it's "Intéllego". To be more nitpicky, 4e printing uses "é", but that is not the correct character, as Latin does not have accented letters... strictly it is a "long e", marked with a "macron" a horizontal bar over the letter: "ē" - but it is (or was 8 years ago!) hard to find printers and software to handle that... nowadays, "just use Unicode".

There... is that better?

From: abrahamray Posted on: Jun-28 6:33 pm
To: caribet
Message: 648.22
in reply to: 648.21
yes sir!!!!!!