Unknown Armies Unknow Armies campaigns
From: YellowSign Posted on: Jun-30 11:36 am
Message: 660.1
I wanted to know if anyone has run (or, I guess played in) an Unknown Armies campaign. What was it like and what sort of things happened? I've thought about doing one, but I'm not sure what I'd do. Mostly I look at the game as great one-shots, but a campaign is a whole different monster.
From: Tuura Posted on: Jun-30 12:39 pm
To: YellowSign
Message: 660.2
in reply to: 660.1

Sadly I've nevered played Unknown Armies, but the game looks cool and I'm trying to help you jump start some discussion. I'm a LONG time Ars Magica player, an infrequent Over the Edge player, Unknown Armies has always looked cool to me, but I get my troupe away from the above games long enough to play something else.

I would be interested in hearing some great stories and hoping use them to pitch an alternative to our two standard games (Ars and OTE).

Cool campaigns or ideas? Anyone?


From: YellowSign Posted on: Jul-1 12:15 am
To: Tuura
Message: 660.3
in reply to: 660.2

I do so love Ars Magica, but it gets so many posts, and I'm not actively playing it. What a darn fine game.
Anyway, yeah, let's hear some cool stories...

Oh, and Tuura, if you get a chance, try the "Jailbreak" scenario from One Shots. Great stuff.

From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: Aug-5 2:50 pm
To: YellowSign
Message: 660.4
in reply to: 660.3

I got to play Jailbreak with Greg Stolze GMing as my introduction to Unknown Armies. My character ended up shooting her husband and then herself ... that's only game I've ever played where a character's death was integral to the plot, but not forced by the GM, and felt imminently satisfying in the end.

Michelle Nephew
Atlas Games

From: YellowSign Posted on: Aug-5 10:38 pm
To: Michelle Nephew
Message: 660.5
in reply to: 660.4
I played "The Quiet One" Morton. I almost killed the wifebeater with a phone to the head...again and again and again. In the postscript to the session, I shived him in the shower when we were back in lockdown.
No one ended up finding any of the really odd stuff (other than the guy who died alone and couldn't tell anyone what he'd seen).
The awful irony of the session was that the only death was Juan, the only real innocent prisoner (Dog took out his throat).
Everything worked out perfect as far a players to characters. I really loved playing Morton (I've been told I "fit the prophile" though I actually have a respect for life), the guy playing the wifebeater was an obnoxious turd which worked very well with the character, and several other players matched up well.
One of the best single nights of gaming I've had. Very tense, and about 98% player driven, with little input from the GM beyond the set up and rules questions.
It must have been pretty cool to play with the guy who wrote the scenario. It was my introduction to Unknown Armies as well.