Ars Magica musical spell ideas needed
From: abrahamray Posted on: Jul-6 6:44 pm
Message: 664.1
what kinds of spells would be best able to be put into song?
From: Tuura Posted on: Jul-6 10:44 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 664.2
in reply to: 664.1

AbRay my young Padawan, haven't you earned the ire of enough of your peers? Can't we stick to one subject before you sink yourself in another?

We all know that you haven't read the books, had you read the books you would know that a round (in all editions) is more or less 3-6 seconds. Given this fact, no formulaic spell or spontaneous spell is really fit to exist as a "song."

Having said this, there are various ways to make spells into song. I played a character that has a necessary requirement where she had to sing all her incantations. Such a requirement makes all her magic "songs." There are other ways, but I will not detail them. Reading the books should provide you with the ideas, not us.


Edited 7/6/2005 10:49 pm ET by Tuura
From: mithriel Posted on: Jul-7 2:05 am
To: abrahamray
Message: 664.3
in reply to: 664.1

>what kinds of spells would be best able to be put into song?

Creo Ignem spells would definitely be cool in punk-rock songs!

From: caribet Posted on: Jul-7 3:56 am
To: abrahamray
Message: 664.4
in reply to: 664.1

> what kinds of spells would be best able to be put into song?

the 4th Ed supplement /The Mysteries/ has a Virtue "Sorcerous Music"; this was included in short-form in /The Wizard's Grimoire Revised Edition/.

If you can't get either, note that Atlas Games have announced the release of 5th Edition supplement /The Mysteries Revised/ in October.

Also look at the Supernatural Talent (non-Hermetic Magic) "Enchanting Music".

However, you are yet again forgetting the rule for Ars Magica, that the details appearance or form of a spell or device is almost irrelevant. You can Sing a Fireball if you want, or Sing an Illusory Forest, or a Ritual Tempest, or anything... "Song" does not matter!

Repeat after me "the appearance does not matter!"

From: abrahamray Posted on: Jul-12 6:18 pm
To: caribet
Message: 664.5
in reply to: 664.4
the apperance dosent matter
From: caribet Posted on: Jul-13 3:28 am
To: abrahamray
Message: 664.6
in reply to: 664.5

...and so... whether a spell is "sung" or not *does not matter"...

the formulae are identical, and the effects are identical for a standard magus

(special Virtues or Flaws can change the way a particular magus works magic, but that's different)