Ars Magica Twilight and XP
From: Niminus Posted on: Jul-17 1:36 pm
Message: 674.1
My group and I have run into a rather bothersome question: When a magus comprehends (or fails to) exactly how much XP does he gain (lose) from the event? It clearly states that its 2 xp per warping point gained, however, are those the warping points from the simple die rolled? Are they the warping points from the botch itself, or are they the sum of all those warping points (from the botch + simple die) as I am lead to belive.
From: Berengar Posted on: Jul-17 4:42 pm
To: Niminus
Message: 674.2
in reply to: 674.1

//Are they the warping points from the botch itself, or are they the sum of all those warping points (from the botch + simple die) as I am lead to belive.//
I read it as you do: if your storyguide picks as twilight effect Increased Knowledge or Lost Knowledge, you gain resp. lose two experience points for every Warping Point gained in the Twilight event. This includes both the two or more Warping Points that caused the Twilight Avoidance check, and the simple die's worth of Warping Points gained from the Twilight experience.

Kind regards,
