Card and Board Games Lunch Money - Hail Mary
From: fourtythree Posted on: Jul-25 9:18 am
Message: 679.1

What the heck is a "hail mary" in lunch money?

All the other cards are pretty obvious what is going on but this just seems to have a big picture of a hand on it?

It does a LOT of damage and is surely worth some good smack-talking, but I don't know exactly what kind of atatck it is!

From: John Nephew Posted on: Jul-25 5:11 pm
To: fourtythree
Message: 679.2
in reply to: 679.1

I've never asked Charlie the exact meaning, but I assumed it was inspired by the term in football:

"Definition: An offensive play where the quarterback throws the ball up in the air without really targeting any particular receiver, hoping someone on his team catches it."


In other words, a big, bold move -- sort of like shooting the moon in Hearts, or drawing to an inside straight, or putting all your chips on one spin of the roulette wheel.

-John Nephew
President, Atlas Games

From: John Nephew Posted on: Jul-25 5:13 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 679.3
in reply to: 679.2

Here's another interesting link, using the "hail mary" term to describe one approach to photography:

From: fourtythree Posted on: Jul-25 5:26 pm
Message: 679.4
in reply to: 679.3


It is described as:
"the absolutely all-powerful Hail Mary (knee to the groin)"

But I can't find any info anywhere to back that up at all.

I've never heard "hail mary" used as a expression for kneeing someone in the groin.

I can't find that definition of the term anywhere online including slang dictionaries etc.

The pic doesn't seem to imply that at all does it?

Yet the reviewer at that link seems pretty convinced that's what it is...


From: John Nephew Posted on: Jul-27 12:44 pm
To: fourtythree
Message: 679.5
in reply to: 679.4

> The pic doesn't seem to imply that at all does it?
> Yet the reviewer at that link seems pretty convinced that's what
> it is...

Well, people seem to read quite a lot into Lunch Money at every turn...when you look at it closely, the game does not say all sorts of things that people think it says. (Catholic schoolgirls? Where does it ever mention such a thing? Yet all the time, I overhear people saying it's a game about "Catholic schoolgirls"... Heck, I went to a parochial grade school, and the plaid skirt/white blouse uniforms were nothing like the outfits Anna wears in any of the pictures I can recall...) So I guess there's no reason for the Hail Mary card to be an exception. :)

-John Nephew
President, Atlas Games

From: fourtythree Posted on: Jul-27 1:23 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 679.6
in reply to: 679.5

Actually considering the rest of the game, I'm really surprised there wasn't already a card for a groin kick, lol.

It could have some kind of special rule like eye poke.

lol, I can envision it now, a close up of Anna stepping on a pair of Walnuts or something, heh.

From: Queex Posted on: Aug-24 7:01 am
To: fourtythree
Message: 679.7
in reply to: 679.6

I guess the grion kick isn't present because they're all meant to be girls. It lacks power against the Y-chromosone-impoverished.

We always imagined Hail Mary as that thing where you grab someone's ears them knee them in the face. Their arms would flail about like someone worshipping.

From: fourtythree Posted on: Aug-24 8:20 am
To: Queex
Message: 679.8
in reply to: 679.7
Well, like it says above: "Where does it actually say they are supposed to be girls?"
From: fourtythree Posted on: Aug-24 8:21 am
To: Queex
Message: 679.9
in reply to: 679.7

funny story, I was actually playing this with a girl and one of the cards "big combo i think" she had to describe what she did. she said:

"I kick you in the nuts, but you don't have any nuts, so I kick you where your nuts would be! Then...."

Funny, on-topic story. Talk about a tender subject!

From: PsiberDragon Posted on: Sep-21 3:15 pm
Message: 679.10
in reply to: 679.9

I've always thought of "Hail Mary" kinda like a Haymaker... a huge attack coming way outta left field... the only thing about haymakers is that while they do massive damage, if they miss, they leave ya open....

:D just something of interest - possibly something for an expansion?