Ars Magica Ex Miscellaneous
From: KallieDog Posted on: Jul-30 4:24 pm
Message: 684.1
Are there any resources out there listing, creating or summarizing the variety of ex misc types such as witch, beast master, spirit master, ...?
From: YR7 Posted on: Jul-30 6:40 pm
To: KallieDog
Message: 684.2
in reply to: 684.1

Not that I am aware of. I'm pretty sure none exist for ArM5.

Houses of Hermes (3e, even if the jacket says 4e) has some notes on the few traditions you mentioned.
Hedge Magic (4e) introduces spirit masters, and other hedge wizards, that may be Ex Misc.

Generally speaking, I don't think such a compilation is possible. There must be an Ex Misc tradition for every non-Hermetic tradition in Mythic Europe, and that can grow to a very big number very fast.

However, if ArM5 proceeds in its orderly publishing scheme I forsee an Ex Misc supplument (Societes) coming some time, maybe that will give you succor.

Edited 7/30/2005 6:41 pm ET by YR7