Ars Magica Guardians of the Forest - Gild Trained V
From: SJCornelius Posted on: Aug-2 4:15 pm
Message: 685.1
Am I reading it wrongly or does the Gild-trained virtue break the experience rules for 5th Edition. It appears that in 2 or so seasons the character gets 90 EPs. Tell me I'm wrong (or that I've missed a similar discussion elsewhere).
From: YR7 Posted on: Aug-3 1:39 am
To: SJCornelius
Message: 685.2
in reply to: 685.1

You're missing many virtues that work on the same principle - better spent time earning you more XP. For example, Magister in Artibus hwich grants 30 XP per year. The Hermetic Magus virtue itself essentially works the same way, allowing you to go through Apprenticip, although it isn't put this way.

If you're just concerned with the rate of advancement, the virtue says "two or more seasons", so you can increase this time period at will.

Edited 8/3/2005 1:43 am ET by YR7
From: SJCornelius Posted on: Aug-3 4:22 pm
To: YR7
Message: 685.3
in reply to: 685.2
I am going to leave this one out or heavily modify it. 30xp for MinA in a year is one thing (the maximum under the rules is 32 per year so that's high but OK). It's 30 per season (assuming two or more = 3) is nearly 4 times the rules maximum.
From: Draco Posted on: Aug-5 5:07 am
To: SJCornelius
Message: 685.4
in reply to: 685.3

How is 32 xp/year a maximum?

With a decent teacher one should easily be able to get at least 15/season (that is 60/year). And that is only a decent teacher, a good one should be able to push this up by a lot...

From: erik_tyrrell Posted on: Aug-5 10:17 am
To: Draco
Message: 685.5
in reply to: 685.4
I'll agree. the presence of quality 21 summa would theretically allow 84 xp per year to anyone. In Insula Tranquilitatus some of our book learners who study in subjects covered by their affinities or other virtues have racked up very large numbers of xp in a year.
From: SJCornelius Posted on: Aug-5 4:23 pm
To: Draco
Message: 685.6
in reply to: 685.5
I do not know - I must have been having a brainless day! I accept you can gain a LOT more experience in a season from a Teacher. I'll shut up.
From: erik_tyrrell Posted on: Aug-5 5:51 pm
To: SJCornelius
Message: 685.7
in reply to: 685.6
90 xp in two seasons is still way over the top though
From: adumbratus Posted on: Aug-7 7:35 am
To: erik_tyrrell
Message: 685.8
in reply to: 685.7

I think it is only a variation of Skilled Parens (with limited selection and Gild membership). And the Virtue tells you only what the magus has done in 3+ seasons (1 with the Bonisagus and 2+ with the Guild Master) of his apprenticeship.
