Ars Magica New Spells (NOT by abrahamray)
From: Reyemile Posted on: Aug-7 11:36 pm
Message: 687.1

Hey, all. I'm bored, and have no better place to post a few spell ideas, so here we go.

Cleopatra's Bane
CrAn 25 R: Voice D: Diam T: Ind

This spell summons an Asp (stats of an Adder, but with stronger venom as per p. 180 of the main book.) This serpent is created mouth open attached to the flesh of the target of the spell, who is immediately injected with the snakes venom. At the Storyguide's discretion, particularly armored targets may not have enough exposed flesh for this spell to be effective.
(Base 10, +2 voice, +1 diam)(If CrIg can create fire with perfect accuracy, so can CrAn; no need for a requisite)

Blessing of the Fatherless Beast
CrAn 20 (Ritual) R: Touch D: Mom T: Ind
Instantly impregnates a female mammal of size +1 or smaller. This spell bends the limits of hermetic magic; creating multiple animals would normally require a target of group, but in this case the individual targetted is the mother who becomes pregnant with the normal number of young for her species.

A much more powerful version of this spell, with numerous requisites, is required for beasts with a might score.

Botches with this spell may create hideous monstrosities, which have in at least one case required the complete evacuation of a covenant until they could be purged.

(Base 15, Touch +1, slightly non-standard)(Weird, I know, but seems reasonable.)

Cleansing of the Good Jew

Pe(In)He 25 R: Touch D: Mom T: Struct

Created by Yitzchak of Bonisagus, this spell completely cleanses a building of all traces of leavened bread, rendering it suitable for orthodox Jews to dwell in during passover. The Intellego requisite is to distinguish the food that is kosher for pesach from the treif.

(Base 4, +1 touch, +3 structure, +1 size)(Considered making this have a nonstandard Duration: Passover)


Last Gasp of the Dying Elm

Mu(Re)He 25 R: Voice D:Mom T:Part

Stiffens and sharpens the edges of the leaves of a tree. The leaves then explode outwards in all directions except directly down, devastating everything except a small area roughly one pace around the tree's trunk. Anyone caught in the blast takes +10 damage.

While this spell could potentially be cast on a tree anywhere within voice range, a maga would be wise to cast it close to the trunk unless she is supremely confident in her Parma Magica; there is no other way for her to target the tree without being in the blast radius herself. Also, this spell is sure to destroy the tree it affects, and likely to severely damage any other nearby fauna. Injudicious use is likely to attract the angry attentions of spirits of the forest.

(Base 3, +2 voice, +1 part, +1 Rego effect, +2 size)(Based off of Piercing Shaft of Wood)

See the Sound's Sights

InIm 10 TR: Arcane D: Conc T: Pers

Allows the caster to see the source of any sound he can hear.

(Base 1, +4 Arcane, +1 Conc)

From: Draco Posted on: Aug-8 3:29 am
To: Reyemile
Message: 687.2
in reply to: 687.1

Clepatra's bane - this is a CrAq spell with a the asp added for cosmetic effect...

See the sound's sight - Shouldn't this be R:pers and T:hearing?
Should still come out at the same lvl as you'd probably want to add a magnitude for the ability to actually get a vision of the thing you hear... (advanced effect).

From: erik_tyrrell Posted on: Aug-8 9:12 am
To: Draco
Message: 687.3
in reply to: 687.2

"Clepatra's bane - this is a CrAq spell with a the asp added for cosmetic effect..."

I disagree, the animal is really there for the full duration it will wriggle about the whole time and then will disapear after the spell expires. At the end of the duration the venom will also cease to exist but any effects that the venom has inflicted within the two minutes will remain.

I might bump it up a magnetude for game balance, oh excuse me I miss-spoke, I meant "complexity" not game balance, after looking at what asp's venom does and comparing Clepatra's bane to other spells with similar effects.

From: erik_tyrrell Posted on: Aug-8 9:14 am
To: Draco
Message: 687.4
in reply to: 687.2

"See the sound's sight - Shouldn't this be R:pers and T:hearing?"

I think that it should.

From: erik_tyrrell Posted on: Aug-8 9:16 am
To: Reyemile
Message: 687.5
in reply to: 687.1

"Last Gasp of the Dying Elm

(Base 3, +2 voice, +1 part, +1 Rego effect, +2 size)(Based off of Piercing Shaft of Wood)"

Good catch with the size modifier

From: Draco Posted on: Aug-8 10:36 am
To: erik_tyrrell
Message: 687.6
in reply to: 687.3

(Cleopatras bane)

If nothing else, it does need a aquam requesite for the poison (just as a firebreathing dragon would have a ignem requisite). Personally, I think the asp is just a cosmetic effect, since it can't do anything other than deliver the poison. As for the level - at this level it should be no more than a medium wound (following the guidelines for CrAq spells)

Btw - if you need to controll a created animal, you would need to add rego, wouldn't you? (othervise it behaves in a manner natural to it...)

Edited 8/8/2005 10:45 am ET by Draco (SHADOWSTALKE)
From: Draco Posted on: Aug-8 10:44 am
To: erik_tyrrell
Message: 687.7
in reply to: 687.5

(Last Gasp of the Dying Elm)

I think target: Part is wrong here, since you're affecting several leaves. This would make it either group (for each several leaves), or ind (for the entire tree). The size modifier indicates going for the entire tree... (which means you could add the bark to the effect)...

I don't remember the base individual for He spells, but having 1000 times it should be enough to affect the entire tree, should it not? (+3 size instead of +1 for part)

From: Reyemile Posted on: Aug-8 1:07 pm
To: Draco
Message: 687.8
in reply to: 687.7

See the Sound's Sight should be Range: arcane. The sound something makes is used as an arcane connection to that thing, allowing you to "Use a sense at a distance" (base 1) to see it. It's not altering your hearing at all; it would probably a require a Muto requisite if it was letting you see with your ears.

Maybe +1 for complexity with Cleopatra's bane, but I'm not sure. One thing to bear in mind about the Aquam poison spells is that as near as I can tell, there is no stamina roll to resist them; if there's supposed to be, it's not listed anywhere, which is a major oversight.

Last Gasp should be part, in the same way the changing an animal's coat to a different color is part, not group with a +5 size modifier to affect each individual hair.

From: FRUNY Posted on: Aug-8 5:21 pm
To: erik_tyrrell
Message: 687.9
in reply to: 687.4
He's creating a new sense, which is deemed equivalent to sight as per the spell's very description, so it should be R:Personal, T:Vision.
From: Reyemile Posted on: Aug-8 9:56 pm
Message: 687.10
in reply to: 687.9

I think I wasn't clear enough about what the InIm spell was supposed to do.

The way I pictured it, the magus concentrates on a single sound he can hear. He uses this sound as an arcane connection (although not a standard one; no sponting this spell) to it's source, and "Uses a sense at a distance," a base 1 InIm effect, to see what is making the noise.

Edited 8/9/2005 2:20 am ET by Reyemile
From: ArsBrevis Posted on: Aug-14 11:06 am
To: Draco
Message: 687.11
in reply to: 687.6

// If nothing else, it does need a aquam requesite for the poison (just as a firebreathing dragon would have a ignem requisite)

The guidelines say that magical creatures have requisites. I don't think natural creatures should need them.

// Btw - if you need to controll a created animal, you would need to add rego, wouldn't you? (othervise it behaves in a manner natural to it...)

A snake of size -8 or so won't attack a size 0 human unless trapped, even an extra vicious Mythic snake, and in any case if you create it lying on the victim's face or hand it will probably fall off before it even knows where it is. Rego could both hold it in position and force it to bite, but it would still need to succeed with its attack. It would be more fun to create the asp inside the victim's clothes and let it act naturally - but then, you can't actually see inside the clothing.

From: Reyemile Posted on: Aug-14 2:06 pm
To: ArsBrevis
Message: 687.12
in reply to: 687.11
Well, the idea behind the spell is you actually create the snake in the process of biting the target, much like Ball of Abysmal Flame et al. create fire in the process of burninating the target. You would definitely need Rego if you wanted the snake to bite more than once during the duration. The spell lasts Diameter mainly to give the poison a chance to work.
From: WilliamEx Posted on: Aug-15 5:24 pm
To: Reyemile
Message: 687.13
in reply to: 687.12

To take your example, Ball of abyssmal Flame does not create a flame thrower that shoots the Flame at the client, it is the medium.

Your spell is a CrAq that does not have a corpus requesite if you allow a def roll since it would indicate that the poison is injected info the target and not created within the target. The snake is just a coolness effect.

You also have the option of CrAn(Re) that will force a snake to bite the target.

Edited 8/15/2005 10:47 pm ET by WilliamEx
From: Reyemile Posted on: Aug-16 12:05 am
To: WilliamEx
Message: 687.14
in reply to: 687.13

//To take your example, Ball of abyssmal Flame does not create a flame thrower that shoots the Flame at the client, it is the medium.// Sorry, can't quite parse this sentence.

The point I'm trying to make is that Ball of Abysmal Flame doesn't make a flame above someone, or near someone, or moving towards someone (except as a special effect,) it actually creates a fire ON someone, without fail. That's the effect I'm trying to replicate, only with Animal instead of Ignem. The spell could just as well create a wolf, a weasel, or a black widow spider attached to the person, albeit at different levels for insects or mammals. I just chose the adder because it's the most dangerous, and because as a reptile it's easier to create than a dire weasel.

If my Storyguide wanted a +1 magnitude for complexity, I probably would go along without complaint, since it is a fairly powerful spell. However, I don't quite follow your reasoning about a Rego requisite; you'll need to run that by me again, I'm afraid.

And while you are absolutely right that you COULD design a very similar spell as an Aquam spell, that's not the spell I'm aiming for; my magus is an Animal specialist :)

From: Draco Posted on: Aug-16 4:01 am
To: Reyemile
Message: 687.15
in reply to: 687.14

//If my Storyguide wanted a +1 magnitude for complexity, I probably would go along without complaint, since it is a fairly powerful spell. However, I don't quite follow your reasoning about a Rego requisite; you'll need to run that by me again, I'm afraid.//

A snake placed outside a persons clothing, would probably not strike the person, and as we mentioned earlier it would be impossible to create the snake inside a persons clothing unless one has an arcane connection.
Thus you do need the rego requisite to make sure it strikes.
You also need a aquam requisite to make the poison. After all, creating poison is very clearly an aquam effect (and a pretty high magnitude one at that). The effect should not be any easier than creating a similar poison with a strait CrAq spell.

As a animal specialist, you might try for a constrictor snake... A big one of those is quite likely to try to kill a man... (and likely to be sucessful too)

From: ArsBrevis Posted on: Aug-16 12:54 pm
To: Reyemile
Message: 687.16
in reply to: 687.12

// Well, the idea behind the spell is you actually create the snake in the process of biting the target, much like Ball of Abysmal Flame et al. create fire in the process of burninating the target.

Doing it that way is even harder, if it's possible at all. For a flame to burn someone, it need only touch them (or just get very close). For a snake to bite someone, its fangs need to penetrate their body. Creating an animal partly em-bedded in a person's flesh would be at least as hard as creating one inside their lungs (say). Perdo and Corpus requisites would also be required for the damage caused by the wound.

(The hyphen above is to prevent the message board doing something unexpected to the word.)

Edited 8/16/2005 12:56 pm ET by ArsBrevis
From: ArsBrevis Posted on: Aug-16 1:21 pm
To: Draco
Message: 687.17
in reply to: 687.15

// After all, creating poison is very clearly an aquam effect (and a pretty high magnitude one at that).

Not necessarily. Creating a cloud of fumes is Auram. Creating a lump of arsenic is Terram. Creating a torpid toad is Animal. Creating a clump of deadly nightshade is Herbam. Creating a bloated human corpse is Corpus. There may well be Vim and Ignem toxins too. I agree that since the CrAq guidelines mention poison in some detail, an equally deadly venomous animal should not be significantly easier to create, but it would be with an Animal effect.

// As a animal specialist, you might try for a constrictor snake... A big one of those is quite likely to try to kill a man... (and likely to be sucessful too)

Allowing for the standard increase in ferocity, yes. However, big constrictor snakes aren't found in Europe - except for magical worms and serpents, and so on. (But to take your Aquam argument a bit further, creating any snake would require Mentem for its hypnotic gaze, Terram for its burrowing ability, Intellego for its keen sense of smell, Muto for shedding its skin, Perdo for its ability to swallow large objects, etc.)

From: Tuura Posted on: Aug-16 2:59 pm
To: Reyemile
Message: 687.18
in reply to: 687.1

Ok, I've been avoiding jumping into this one.

The spell the lot of us don't seem to see eye to eye on is, "Cleopatra's Bane"

On the subject of 'perfect strike':

Part One

Reymeile writes: //If CrIg can create fire with perfect accuracy, so can CrAn; no need for a requisite//

Ok, I'm from the school of do not over interpret. Common sense suggests this is wrong, but if the book doesn't say it's wrong then it's not wrong. Now I'm the guy that defended that one didn't need to 'know' a target in order for Voice to work. I agreed that common sense said I was wrong, but I couldn't find a rule to prove it. Later someone else found a rule and I admitted to being wrong.

While I understand why Reyemile believes that CrAn need no requisite to hit I think he's wrong. Here is why:

Ars5 p. 117 "Animal Spells affect all natural living things that are not plants or humans..."

I don't believe one can use an animal spell to insert an animal into a person, be it thier arm or thier lung, or wherever.

If one wants to do this, they must have a Corpus requisite. With a Corpus requisite, then I agree one can place the snake on or in the body of a human.

On the subject of "perfect strike":
Part Two:
Reyemile writes //serpent is created mouth open attached to the flesh of the target of the spell, who is immediately injected with the snakes venom.//

Ars5 p116 Creo Animal guidelines say, "To influence the behavior of created animals, a Rego requiste is required, and as this is an additional effect it adds at least one magnitude to the spell level."

Having established these two points I read the spell as follows:

Cleopatra's Bane (nice name)
Creo Animal Base 10 (create reptile)
R:V +10
D:D +5
T:I +0
Req: Rego "Strike Person" +1 (a conservative GM would add +2)
Req: Corpus

Cleopatra's Bane
Creo Animal: 30 (or 35 if GM decides the Rego merits +2)
Req: Rego, Corpus

The spell is only 5 levels more difficult, but it has both a Corpus and Rego requisite. These requisites complicate the spell and make it more difficult to cast as one must essentially be competant in 4 arts rather than just two.

To clarify, the magus is creating a snake, which then becomes the medium to attack the target. There is nothing cosmetic or etherial about the snake, it's real for the duration of the spell. As a magically created snake, it is magical and can be resisted by Parma Magica.

If one wanted to create poison inside a person and have the snake strike as a purely cosmetic feature the spell might be Creo Aquam, Corpus Req with say illusionary snake biting tossed in for free.


Edited 8/16/2005 3:04 pm ET by Tuura