Ars Magica new vertue
From: abrahamray Posted on: Aug-12 6:30 pm
Message: 696.1
vertue name-bookworm
when in a complexe situation roll a simple int. die 9 or higher to recall something that you have read someware thqat can get you out of this situation.+6
tell me what you think of it!
From: Tuura Posted on: Aug-12 11:10 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 696.2
in reply to: 696.1

I think until you can make a basic spell you shouldn't venture into the realm of building virtues. I won't help you here AbRay.


From: Ravenscroft Posted on: Aug-13 9:57 am
To: Tuura
Message: 696.3
in reply to: 696.2
Perhaps you could enlighten your Padawan on the benefits of Binding a Bookworm as a Familiar , it could then use its abilities with all things Formulaic to help him with spell construction.
From: Tuura Posted on: Aug-13 1:37 pm
To: Ravenscroft
Message: 696.4
in reply to: 696.3

I'd prefer to take those mystic cords and wrap them around my padawan's neck. If I didn't have loads a free time I wouldn't be wasting it on him.


From: DarthDregg Posted on: Aug-14 7:39 am
Message: 696.5
in reply to: 696.4

You mention this as a project?
I would very much like to contribute is more writers are needed.
I have a published Pulp piece in Eden's One of the Living Source Book and I have Self Published "Pulp Era: Cinematic Tales in the yesteryear". Feng Shui has been one of my fave games for years.

Let me know If I can help

J. Carpio
Chapter 13 Press

From: Ravenscroft Posted on: Aug-14 9:57 am
To: DarthDregg
Message: 696.6
in reply to: 696.5

In this Household there are at least 02 Pulp Fans.
We own all 06 volumes of "Yesterday's Faces" by Robert Sampson (and have read them).
Various and sundry RPG supplements for Pulp and are currently awaiting "Pulp Hero" from Hero Games.
Now that we know your book exists , guess its going on the "Must Buy" list at Amazon.

Edited 8/14/2005 10:05 am ET by Ravenscroft

Edited 8/14/2005 10:06 am ET by Ravenscroft
From: DarthDregg Posted on: Aug-14 10:48 am
To: Ravenscroft
Message: 696.7
in reply to: 696.6

Thank you. The Book was just released in late March and has not done too baldly 20 copies at cons and 27 through Amazon.
We are now going to place the erratta and free web enhancements on chapter 13 overe the next few months.

If you are near New Yoprk or New Jersey I demo it often at conventons.

What do you know about the Feng Shui Pulp Project? I'm really interested.

From: Ravenscroft Posted on: Aug-14 12:25 pm
To: DarthDregg
Message: 696.8
in reply to: 696.7
the Feng Shui Pulp is a new one on me.
Being in Australia , cant quite get to NYC as often as id like :-)
From: Iudicium Posted on: Aug-30 7:55 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 696.9
in reply to: 696.1

It's a good idea, but the bonuses you give are too similar to a bonus to all lores & knowledge ability. I personnaly dislike virtu that bypass the normal "rules"

I would prefer a Minor Virtue: Bookworm. You get a +1 on an ability when trying to recall a knowledge that can be gained from a book.

But it seems already too powerfull to me. Given that a Minor gives +2 on ONE knowledge normally.
Give an equivalent of -1 to social interaction, and it is good (tought it ressemble a social flaw then)

From: Ravenscroft Posted on: Aug-31 6:53 am
Message: 696.10
in reply to: 696.9
Whew! False alarm.
Fae(Ab) Wray and King Kong were NOT caught in a celluloid jam.
From: abrahamray Posted on: Sep-2 6:47 pm
To: Iudicium
Message: 696.11
in reply to: 696.9
yes that makes sense,however this vertue makes the esumpsion that the person who has the vertue already has read a LOT of books by meadevial standards.
From: daoc2k Posted on: Sep-8 2:34 am
To: abrahamray
Message: 696.12
in reply to: 696.11

|yes that makes sense,however this vertue makes the esumpsion that the person who has the vertue already has read a LOT of books by meadevial standards. |

Its almost like looking through my bulk mail folder with people trying creative spellings to get past my spamblocker.

From: Tuura Posted on: Sep-8 2:55 pm
To: daoc2k
Message: 696.13
in reply to: 696.12

Are you suggesting that AbRay isn't writing in a rudimentary Hermetic Code that we can all easily translate? I thought AbRay was practicing an outer mystery, hoping to impress one of the true gurus of Ars, so that he could be initiated into a deeper level of incomprehensibility, I mean understanding.


From: daoc2k Posted on: Sep-8 6:32 pm
To: Tuura
Message: 696.14
in reply to: 696.13
I was decyphering it using the "your Epeen has more Xpantion compremise" style internet to Engrish translation protocols.
From: abrahamray Posted on: Sep-10 4:18 pm
To: daoc2k
Message: 696.15
in reply to: 696.12
also I am very,very board(have very little to do besides going to the liabrary so I have a LOT of time on my hands,again sorry)
From: Tuura Posted on: Sep-10 5:45 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 696.16
in reply to: 696.15

Your bored at the liabrary? Why don't you raed something, it may help you with your spelngi.

Such comments show that you have time, so when you take the time post you should post well. Your lack of effort does not encourage any of us to answer your questions. Why should we expend more energy answering your questions than you spend in asking them? Please consider this AbRay when you ask future questions. Take the time you clearly have and use it well. Such an effort will produce good questions and motivate us to answer you.


From: abrahamray Posted on: Sep-15 7:37 pm
To: Tuura
Message: 696.17
in reply to: 696.16
o.k then how about this
were rhino horns used as aprodisiaks back in meadevial times?

Edited 9/15/2005 7:47 pm ET by abrahamray
From: Tuura Posted on: Sep-15 7:56 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 696.18
in reply to: 696.17

Yes, they were used all the time as aprodisiaks, but *only* during the meadevial times.


From: abrahamray Posted on: Sep-27 5:54 pm
To: Tuura
Message: 696.19
in reply to: 696.18
not nesserally,in modern times they were uses as such in asia!
From: Tuura Posted on: Sep-28 1:38 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 696.20
in reply to: 696.19
