Ars Magica new spell
From: abrahamray Posted on: Aug-12 6:57 pm
Message: 698.1
spell name-gift of flight
when cast it give any wingless creature the ability to fly
requisies regoarum(corpus/animal seperate version of the spell for the create you wish to effect)
base cost-45
target-indivigual(+0/+2 if used on animals)
final cost-55/65 if used on animals it is unnatural after all for wingless creatures to fly.
does this spell meet with everyones favour?

Edited 8/12/2005 6:58 pm ET by abrahamray
From: Tuura Posted on: Aug-12 11:14 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 698.2
in reply to: 698.1

No, No, No.

You can't use the formula then roll dice to fill in the blanks. I won't even begin to help you build this spell unless it looks like you spent at least three minutes trying to construct it.

Back to the drawing board. Resubmit something that makes sense, then I will tear it apart and tell you why you are wrong.


From: WilliamEx Posted on: Aug-12 11:21 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 698.3
in reply to: 698.1

Vim sourrounds your Magus Hense you should use MuVi to lake that magic to make your magical wings.

The levels are perfect but you need to realign the horizontal just a bit to the left. Why left you might ask? Simple, in the paradigm, the left side is not only the devils side but also the magus side. Only by turning it a bit left would you spell have the desired effect. Then again you might want to change the effect to have wings of divine earth. You only need to add a terram requisite ans roll yourself in dirt at the time of the casting 3 times counter clockwise. To have the divine shine unto yourself a prior would of course be mandatory & would also reduce you casting level by 2 magitude as per p.138.78 of the 4th ed.

I do believe you now have your first perfect spell. Love it & it`s Friday.

Thanks everyone ... this really made my day.

From: Ravenscroft Posted on: Aug-13 10:06 am
To: WilliamEx
Message: 698.4
in reply to: 698.3

What you should do is incant the chorus of
"On the Wings of An Eagle"
by Russell Morris

On the wings of an eagle I find myself lifted through the sky ,
Lifted up for all the world to see.
On the wings of an eagle I find myself lifted through the sky ,
Lifted up for all the world to see.
Can you see me? Can you see me?

From: abrahamray Posted on: Aug-16 7:36 pm
Message: 698.5
in reply to: 698.4
the reason for the high level of the spell is because it allows the caster/target to fly without useing wings!
plus I haven't got access to the 4th ed book right now!
I had the max. downloads of it & I forgot my password as well!

Edited 8/16/2005 7:36 pm ET by abrahamray
From: Tuura Posted on: Aug-17 1:33 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 698.6
in reply to: 698.5

Then don't bother AbRay.

I've been playing this game for years, but I would never try to write a spell based on memory. Why do you think, given your inability to ever write a spell correctly, that this one time could do it right without the books?

You wasted your time and our time. Nearly everyone at this site has given up on you. You've rarely showed a willingness to make any sort of effort. You clearly haven't read the book, you seem to lack the ability to spell or do simple math. Other sites reveal a smarter, more coherent AbRay. Why do we get the lummox version?

I have to be honest AbRay, I probably have more free time than any other person at this site, it's a perk of my 'job'. While I've said that correcting your mistakes is an effort to help you, in reality I'm a fan of practicing articulation and clarity. I think repeated discussion makes me a better, more insightful player. Rebuilding your spells may help you, but they are a problem solving event that helps me as well. I like to build spell, or should I say fix your spells debacles.

Yet if you are just making stuff up, if your not making an effort to read these posts, to learn or understand, then in addition to wasteing everyone elses time, you are wasting your own. This is the internet, beyond courtesy you have no reason to be concerned with the time of others. Yet consider your own time. If your happy making spells that you alone will see or use, then you don't need us. You can make a spell that allows you to lift a mountain and have it cost .67 Magnitudes. It doesn't matter, it's ok. In your game it'll work. Furthermore, we don't care. Go ahead and make "Split Earth in Half", Mag: Warp 11. It's fine with me, I'm happy your having fun. But if you want to walk on common ground, if you want to share ideas with us in an understandable language then do it by the book. This means you need to read it, you need to use it. You can't guess, you can't estimate, you can't do anything besides always use the book.

So think about yourself AbRay, what do you want to do? Do you want to share understandable material with us, or do you want to advertise your idiocy? It's your time AbRay, do you want to spend it as the butt of our jokes or do you want to contribute to the game? It's your time AbRa, don't waste your own time. Learn to work the book and contribute to this site, or do whatever you want and keep it to yourself.


From: Dr. Tom Posted on: Aug-17 4:50 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 698.7
in reply to: 698.5

"the reason for the high level of the spell is because it allows the caster/target to fly without useing wings! "

The spell already exists. Look for the spell Wings of the Soaring Wind (under ReAu in 4th ed. IIRC, now in 5th a CrAu with a Re prerequisite). This spell should be doing roughly what you want, with a lower level than you had.

From: RuinousPower Posted on: Aug-18 7:48 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 698.8
in reply to: 698.1
Giving a creature the 'gift of flight' seems more than just controlling the winds, otherwise "Wings of the Soaring Wind" would do the trick. Muto Animal seems the way to go...
From: daoc2k Posted on: Aug-19 10:16 am
To: RuinousPower
Message: 698.9
in reply to: 698.8
In fact it is in the 5e guidlines for Muto Animal.
From: Ravenscroft Posted on: Aug-19 12:35 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 698.10
in reply to: 698.9

"plus I haven't got access to the 4th ed book right now!
I had the max. downloads of it & I forgot my password as well!"

This really is the "Nandi Bear ate my Homework" excuse.

From: abrahamray Posted on: Sep-2 6:51 pm
To: Ravenscroft
Message: 698.11
in reply to: 698.10
I have just gotten the book back on reserve but it may take me a wile,BIG backlog of e-mails to go through(havent gotten to the computer for a while)
From: Tuura Posted on: Sep-2 8:30 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 698.12
in reply to: 698.11

Yipee! Just when my I thought I was out, you keep pulling me back in!

Ah what would a Tytalus be without innane challenges.


From: StevePettit Posted on: Sep-3 11:21 pm
To: Tuura
Message: 698.13
in reply to: 698.12

Tuura used Creo Imaginem to make the following appear:

>Yipee! Just when my I thought I was out, you keep pulling me back in!
>Ah what would a Tytalus be without innane challenges.

Take your pick of : Very annoying to his fellow magi within a covenant, or very, very bored. Either is a sure recipe for disaster. :)


From: abrahamray Posted on: Sep-6 8:44 pm
To: StevePettit
Message: 698.14
in reply to: 698.13
very,very board!!!