Card and Board Games A lunch money rules clarification?
From: likestoast Posted on: Aug-25 2:56 pm
Message: 708.1

Yeah, im sure this has been asked, but these forums are set up really odd and it seems like I cant get any messages from way far back. Its a really simple question concerning the grab card...okay maybe not THAT simple..but here goes...

The rules say that when you play a grab you are entitled to one free basic attack. ( or you can of course choke/headlock but i took those cards out of my disregard )

so the scenerio would be -
A's turn: I grab you and kick you for 2.
B - B: can only take the damage or dodge ,humuliate or Freedom B- "Ill dodge your grab"
so unless player A humiliates player B's Dodge and gets the freebie then the turn would be over and its player B's turn.

Now grab can be played as above, and can also be played in combination such as block => GRAB => POWERPLAY/CHOKE/HEADLOCK etc..

The rules never state that the free attack is negated when used in conjuction with a combo card. So back to player A n B...

A: "I pimpslap you for 2"
B: "Block your pimpslap, GRAB you, and POWERPLAY you for 3

Lets take a look at this (all other counters/defensive plays aside)

The Grab card allows you a FREE basic attack, as stated in the cards description, Powerplay Allows you a freebie as well. SO shouldnt player B do this;

B: "Block your pimpslap, GRAB you and Kick you ( grab plus freebie ) then I POWERPLAY you and kick you again (freebie from powerplay).

I mean thats fine to run a play like that and hope your grab isnt defended or the hole play is humiliated but if there is no defense then that takes off at least 10 points of damage and that would seem to discourage new players ( even though the point is to beat down your opponent ) from wanting to play again.

So is the grab card defined as:
If used at the start of your turn then you are entitled to ONE free basic if it is not otherwise defended against.

If used after a block then can only be used in combination with headlock, powerplay, choke. but even then, if you grab at the start of your turn, you get the free shot then can headlock or choke? or am I COMPLETELY missing something...which is entirely possible and this was all for nothing...

From: John Nephew Posted on: Aug-25 5:56 pm
To: likestoast
Message: 708.2
in reply to: 708.1

The rules for Grab (a href= target=_blank read as follows:

"A GRAB card is usually played in combination
with other cards. A successful
GRAB permits the player to one free Basic
Attack or Weapon Card, which cannot be
up certain specialty cards: CHOKE,

I can see how this might be ambiguous. It would be a little clearer if it read: "Alternatively, a GRAB can be used to set up certain specialty cards:" -- to make it clear that you either get a free Basic Attack after a Grab, *or* you can use a Grab to set up one of those specialty cards. Fortunately, the example of play makes it clear (look at the Grab+Powerplay+Basic Attack situations).

Think of it this way: Grab gives you a free card. That card can be a Basic Attack or Weapon. It also can be certain specific specialty cards (such as Powerplay, etc.). Either way you're getting a free card after the Grab. In the case of Powerplay, that one gives you another free card (a free follow-up Basic Attack as well). The odd thing about those specialty cards is that without the grab to make them "free," they can't be played at all.

-John Nephew
President, Atlas Games

From: likestoast Posted on: Aug-25 6:37 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 708.3
in reply to: 708.2

Okay, when you put it into context like that it makes more sense, so thanks, I actually was trying to dig up the pdf file of the rules at the atlas game site and couldnt seem to locate them, as I knew some of the stuff I used for an example was a little incorrect, but i obviously got the idea across. I probably just misinterpreted the rules ( as it seems we all can do ) but maybe something should be noted that the GRAB card will allow you to play one additional card of either a basic attack or a "Grab combo" card.

Just a thought, maybe im the only one that has ran into this situation....hrmm..

Thanks alot for the reply and the help John, id like to hear other players views on this if any care to pipe up and say something..

From: djal Posted on: Oct-16 7:58 am
Message: 708.4
in reply to: 708.1

i quote from liketoast, "I mean thats fine to run a play like that and hope your grab isnt defended or the hole play is humiliated but if there is no defense then that takes off at least 10 points of damage and that would seem to discourage new players ( even though the point is to beat down your opponent ) from wanting to play again."

its the last part that really interests me, about taking over 10 points in one attack, and discouraging new players.
first of all my mates and me, tried to think up the most damaging attack possible and this is what we came up with: player A, attacks player B with uppercut squared, followed by (free basic attack)hailmary (=13), followed by imaginary friend with a wierd smite (=9), this give a total of 22 points and all 5 cards played. on top of this my group allow wierd or medieval to be added to backlash, so player B could counter with 2 backlashes with 3 wierd/medieval, giving player A a total of 28 points of damage! funnily enough i've never seen this happen, as the odds of 2 players getting those exact cards are quite astronomical.
as for the second point i wanted to make, i was visiting my girlfriend at uni a while back, and i took my LM set (always a good icebreaker "hey lets beat up on your mates...." lol), on the first night in the pub i got just 4 people playing, but by the end of the weekend games involving 20+ people were happening! anyway the point is , some of the players were not even getting a turn to play, but were loving it, and the local gaming store appaently sold out of LM S=S and BM quite quickly after i left! just thought i'd show that its very hard to "discourage" new players!

From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: Nov-3 3:20 pm
To: djal
Message: 708.5
in reply to: 708.4

Hi there.

>by the end of the weekend games involving 20+ people were happening!

LOL! Sounds like you should join the Special Ops demo team, if you're not already ... you've got the makings of a great demonstrator!

-Michelle Nephew
Atlas Games