Ars Magica Mysteries Question
From: eagle_c85 Posted on: Sep-5 2:55 pm
Message: 712.1

Any progress updates official or otherwise on 'Mysteries'?



From: caribet Posted on: Sep-6 6:43 am
To: eagle_c85
Message: 712.2
in reply to: 712.1

the AG web page
still lists it as "October 2005"...

had you missed this, or are you hoping for more of an update?
(In the latter case, I'd not expect more until they either say "it's late" or "it's in/about to arrive at the warehouse")

From: eagle_c85 Posted on: Sep-8 12:34 am
To: caribet
Message: 712.3
in reply to: 712.2

Saw the website entry. Thanks, though.

Honestly, I had hoped for something like "At the printers, on schedule" or "Playtest has discovered a couple interesting things, looks like it might be a November release" or something like that.

I'm new to the game and eager for knowledge.

Thanks again.


From: caribet Posted on: Sep-8 3:12 am
To: eagle_c85
Message: 712.4
in reply to: 712.3
past experience of Atlas-watching suggests that we're a bit early for such updates... "October" means anywhere from the 1st to the 31st, so there's time yet not to miss the deadline...