Card and Board Games Lunch Money & Stick & Stones Question
From: Ahzad Posted on: Sep-11 12:49 pm
Message: 716.1

Big Combo - says "defending against this attack requires two defense cards". Are question is this, Can we use any blue cards to defend against? There are two camps in our play group on this, some who say since it doesn't specify Dodge or Block, you can use any of your defense cards to defend with pointing out that other cards typically specify Dodge or Block when playing defense.

What do the dates on the Sticks & Stones cards mean?

From: PsiberDragon Posted on: Sep-21 2:51 pm
Message: 716.2
in reply to: 716.1

::Big Combo - says "defending against this attack requires two defense cards". Are question is this, Can we use any blue cards to defend against? There are two camps in our play group on this, some who say since it doesn't specify Dodge or Block, you can use any of your defense cards to defend with pointing out that other cards typically specify Dodge or Block when playing defense.

What do the dates on the Sticks & Stones cards mean?::

The way that my group has been playing is that you are allowed to play any combination of blocks or dodges, not Freedoms (you aren't being GRABBED) or Disarmed (you aren't being hit w/ a weapon), so it only makes sense. You could, of course, play a single block or dodge with a FASTER.

As for the dates on the cards, if you look at the credits, you'll note that the cards' pix were gleened from the photographer's scrapbook, so I'd hazard a guess to be places and dates that the photographer visited...

From: Ahzad Posted on: Sep-25 3:06 pm
To: PsiberDragon
Message: 716.3
in reply to: 716.2

"The way that my group has been playing is that you are allowed to play any combination of blocks or dodges, not Freedoms (you aren't being GRABBED) or Disarmed (you aren't being hit w/ a weapon), so it only makes sense. You could, of course, play a single block or dodge with a FASTER."

That's the thought of some of us, but other point out the other big cards 2-Fer, Tantrum, Fists of Fury, say specifically Dodge, Blocks, but Big Combo doesn't make that distinction it justs says any two defense cards. I think most of the folks I've seen on the net play it Dodge, Blocks, but we were looking for a concise ruling from Atlas to settle the in game disagreements.

From: PsiberDragon Posted on: Sep-25 7:05 pm
To: Ahzad
Message: 716.4
in reply to: 716.3

"That's the thought of some of us, but other point out the other big cards 2-Fer, Tantrum, Fists of Fury, say specifically Dodge, Blocks, but Big Combo doesn't make that distinction it justs says any two defense cards. I think most of the folks I've seen on the net play it Dodge, Blocks, but we were looking for a concise ruling from Atlas to settle the in game disagreements."

Well, if you look at FREEDOM on the S&S expansion rules, it specifically says "The FREEDOM card counters the following: GRAB, CHOKE, HEADLOCK, TIME OUT, or WEDGY." Nothing about a BIG COMBO at all... (back page, top lefthand corner)

Likewise, the DISARM rules state: "This card is played agains any Weapon Card attack...." Since BIG COMBO isn't a Weapon Card, it doesn't apply...

So... personally, I'd take that as a pretty concise ruling... JMHO...

From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: Oct-3 5:17 pm
To: Ahzad
Message: 716.5
in reply to: 716.3

Hi there.

::Big Combo - says "defending against this attack requires two defense cards". Are question is this, Can we use any blue cards to defend against? There are two camps in our play group on this, some who say since it doesn't specify Dodge or Block, you can use any of your defense cards to defend with pointing out that other cards typically specify Dodge or Block when playing defense.

The "any blue" camp is just trying to pull something over on you. Reword it "two APPLICABLE defense cards (ie. Block & Dodge)" for them if you must.

::What do the dates on the Sticks & Stones cards mean?

It's part of the atmosphere of the game. Only Charlie Wiedman knows for sure. ;)

-Michelle Nephew
Atlas Games

From: Ahzad Posted on: Oct-12 11:44 pm
To: Michelle Nephew
Message: 716.6
in reply to: 716.5

Thanks, I had the feeling in would come down to applicable defense cards.