Card and Board Games Lunch Money questions (first of many...)
From: PsiberDragon Posted on: Sep-21 3:36 pm
Message: 721.1


I just recently got LM, S&S and Beer Money...

So, introducing it to my college crew was a blast - everyone asks for LM & S&S when I'm joining them between classes. Even have a couple of young ladies willing to kick some butt...

But, I digress...

OK.. Had an interesting question come up. There I was, playing, and I called my friend a HIPPIE. Of course, he could block, dodge, etc the attacks, which was well and good. Until someone played a ROUNDHOUSE that he DODGED. We all kind of blinked and someone asked: "Does the ROUNDHOUSE continue if the HIPPIE DODGES, as it says in the rules, or does it stop there?"

Our ruling is that it DID continue per the basic rules, but we wanted a clarification on this.

Next question. I play a BIG COMBO, but am HUMILATED for doing it and am hit with a HAIL MARY as the (free) basic attack. I, being quick on my feet, play a BACKLASH and send my good friend looking for answers. Was that a correct play or does his HAIL MARY get through?

A friend attacks me with a KNIFE, which I can't do anything about. He then tells me that his IMAGINARY FRIEND is gonna take the (same) knife and attack me with it, as well... Again, is this a correct play?

Ok... I (successfully) give someone COOTIES. On his attack, he plays a JAB, which I BLOCK (giving me COOTIES). If either of us GRABS the other, do the COOTIES get transferred back to him or do they stay on me?
... (as a parenthical aside: I've only seen COOTIES played ONCE successfully... the running gag is that whoever draws COOTIES is usually going out before they can play them...)

Hmm... that's all that I can think of at the moment... I'm sure my crew will come up with several more before it's all said and done..

Many Thanks.

From: PsiberDragon Posted on: Sep-21 3:47 pm
Message: 721.2
in reply to: 721.1


Another question just occurred to me.

On my turn, I play a KICK against an opponent, and she HUMILIATES me by telling me that my shoe flies off, and, as I'm hobbling around, she proceeds to hit me with an UPPERCUT (free attack, I can't do anything about it). Can I play my IMAGINARY FRIEND (who has a KNIFE), or is my turn over?

From: PsiberDragon Posted on: Sep-21 4:20 pm
Message: 721.3
in reply to: 721.1

Oops... ok... last one for the night, I think.

Can I use HUMILATION to start my turn and get a free basic attack that can't be defended against? And, if so, is it considered Out of Turn, to be followed up with my "normal" attack?

Also, on a HUMILIATION, it says "Basic Attack card or Weapon", but can I use a GRAB to set up a Combo as well?

From: PsiberDragon Posted on: Sep-21 11:57 pm
Message: 721.4
in reply to: 721.1

Thought of one more.

I've just been called a HIPPIE. Can I see all the cards played against me before choosing which cards I want to defend against? or does it just start with the person to the left and I have to decide on a case-by-case basis?

From: Ahzad Posted on: Sep-25 2:54 pm
To: PsiberDragon
Message: 721.5
in reply to: 721.1

PsiberDragon wrote: OK.. Had an interesting question come up. There I was, playing, and I called my friend a HIPPIE. Of course, he could block, dodge, etc the attacks, which was well and good. Until someone played a ROUNDHOUSE that he DODGED. We all kind of blinked and someone asked: "Does the ROUNDHOUSE continue if the HIPPIE DODGES, as it says in the rules, or does it stop there?""

Roundhouse continues as it says in the rules is how we play it.

"Next question. I play a BIG COMBO, but am HUMILATED for doing it and am hit with a HAIL MARY as the (free) basic attack. I, being quick on my feet, play a BACKLASH and send my good friend looking for answers. Was that a correct play or does his HAIL MARY get through?"

Hail Mary would land b/c you cant play the backlash your only option was to play another Humiliation to stop him. Remember only a Humiliation will stop a Humiliation or Horror of Horrors if you are playing combined games.

"A friend attacks me with a KNIFE, which I can't do anything about. He then tells me that his IMAGINARY FRIEND is gonna take the (same) knife and attack me with it, as well... Again, is this a correct play?"

No, b/c Imaginary Friend can only use basic attacks, not weapons. As a side note here, playing Imaginary Friend could not be played following a Humilate out of turn b/c the turn you are extending is not your own. So you could Humilate and Imaginary Friend on your turn but not your buddies turn.

Ok... I (successfully) give someone COOTIES. On his attack, he plays a JAB, which I BLOCK (giving me COOTIES). If either of us GRABS the other, do the COOTIES get transferred back to him or do they stay on me?"

If you Grab or he Grabs you the cooties get transfered again. "The only way to be rid of Cooties is to Grab or Block an opponent, or to be Grabbed or Blocked by an opponent."

Hope that helps.

Edited 9/25/2005 3:10 pm ET by Ahzad
From: Ahzad Posted on: Sep-25 2:57 pm
To: PsiberDragon
Message: 721.6
in reply to: 721.2

"On my turn, I play a KICK against an opponent, and she HUMILIATES me by telling me that my shoe flies off, and, as I'm hobbling around, she proceeds to hit me with an UPPERCUT (free attack, I can't do anything about it). Can I play my IMAGINARY FRIEND (who has a KNIFE), or is my turn over?"

Humilate doesn't say that in cancels your turn so you could play Imaginary Friend, but only w/ a Basic attack, not a weapon.

From: Ahzad Posted on: Sep-25 3:00 pm
To: PsiberDragon
Message: 721.7
in reply to: 721.3

"Can I use HUMILATION to start my turn and get a free basic attack that can't be defended against? And, if so, is it considered Out of Turn, to be followed up with my "normal" attack?"

It's not considered out of turn b/c you played it on your turn, play continues to the next player.

"Also, on a HUMILIATION, it says "Basic Attack card or Weapon", but can I use a GRAB to set up a Combo as well?"

No, b/c Grab is a specialty card, not a basic attack or weapon.

From: Ahzad Posted on: Sep-25 3:13 pm
To: PsiberDragon
Message: 721.8
in reply to: 721.4

"I've just been called a HIPPIE. Can I see all the cards played against me before choosing which cards I want to defend against? or does it just start with the person to the left and I have to decide on a case-by-case basis?"

Since you can defend against the attacks they should come one at a time, so you can defend or not against them. If they all toss them together then it's their loss b/c you've seen all the attacks and can easily choose, but if they are all done one at a time then it's a bit trickier to decide what to allow to land and what not.

From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: Oct-3 5:10 pm
To: PsiberDragon
Message: 721.9
in reply to: 721.1

Hi there. Just adding my seal of approval for Ahzad's replies here (Thanks, Ahzad!). Everything he said sounded correct on a quick inspection, with a few clarifications:

>As a side note here, playing Imaginary Friend could not be played >following a Humilate out of turn b/c the turn you are extending is >not your own. So you could Humilate and Imaginary Friend on your >turn but not your buddies turn.

Imaginary Friend can't be played after a Humiliate out of turn because Imaginary Friend isn't a basic attack or a weapon.

>>"On my turn, I play a KICK against an opponent, and she HUMILIATES >>me by telling me that my shoe flies off, and, as I'm hobbling >>around, she proceeds to hit me with an UPPERCUT (free attack, I >>can't do anything about it). Can I play my IMAGINARY FRIEND (who has >>a KNIFE), or is my turn over?"

>Humilate doesn't say that in cancels your turn so you could play >Imaginary Friend, but only w/ a Basic attack, not a weapon.

I'd have to disagree here. A successful Humiliation defuses another card, but since you still actually played the original card it does count as having "initiated an action" (see "Play"). The Humiliation (or its follow-up) "resolves" the action and so marks the end of the player's turn.

>>"Can I use HUMILATION to start my turn and get a free basic attack >>that can't be defended against? And, if so, is it considered Out of >>Turn, to be followed up with my "normal" attack?"

>It's not considered out of turn b/c you played it on your turn, play >continues to the next player.

I'd say that you can't play Humiliation as the start of your turn ... it specifically says that it's played "on any player making any play" and that it "interrupts the action".

-Michelle Nephew
Atlas Games

From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: Oct-3 5:28 pm
To: Michelle Nephew
Message: 721.10
in reply to: 721.9

It's been a while ... can you tell? Re-reading the Imaginary Friend rules, which I obviously mis-remembered before I sent off my email:

>>As a side note here, playing Imaginary Friend could not be played >>following a Humilate out of turn b/c the turn you are extending is >>not your own. So you could Humilate and Imaginary Friend on your >>turn but not your buddies turn.

>Imaginary Friend can't be played after a Humiliate out of turn because Imaginary Friend isn't a basic attack or a weapon.

More importantly, IF says that it "extends its player's turn." That implies that it must be your turn to use it.

>>>"On my turn, I play a KICK against an opponent, and she HUMILIATES >>>me by telling me that my shoe flies off, and, as I'm hobbling >>>around, she proceeds to hit me with an UPPERCUT (free attack, I >>>can't do anything about it). Can I play my IMAGINARY FRIEND (who has >>>a KNIFE), or is my turn over?"

>>Humilate doesn't say that in cancels your turn so you could play >>Imaginary Friend, but only w/ a Basic attack, not a weapon.

>I'd have to disagree here. A successful Humiliation defuses another card, but since you still actually played the original card it does count as having "initiated an action" (see "Play"). The Humiliation (or its follow-up) "resolves" the action and so marks the end of the player's turn.

But since IF is designed to be played "after all normal attacks, defenses, and counter-attacks have been resolved, but before new cards are drawn" it's fine for you to play it after the uppercut. In fact, that's what it's designed for.

-Michelle Nephew
Atlas Games

From: Ahzad Posted on: Oct-12 11:38 pm
To: Michelle Nephew
Message: 721.11
in reply to: 721.9

Michelle wrote:"I'd say that you can't play Humiliation as the start of your turn ... it specifically says that it's played "on any player making any play" and that it "interrupts the action".

all these years playing and i never picked that up for some reason.....that's crazy :o) but i like it