Card and Board Games Lunch Money Ramblings
From: PsiberDragon Posted on: Sep-21 4:07 pm
Message: 722.1

Just gonna put my $.02 in here for just a minute.

I was reading about how many people are just sitting back and not doing anything (passing their turn to wait to be attacked). My solution to that was from the get-go. You have to do SOMETHING on your turn. Play or Discard. EVEN if it's down to just you and some other player and you've just put him in TIME OUT. Since that means you can't attack him and he can't attack you (he's sittin' in the corner), you're stuck discarding at least one card. Granted, this might help you get more defensive cards, but, if you've got your share of HUMILIATIONS and/or BLOCKS or other defensive cards and are just waiting for him to come after you, you're just gonna hafta take your chances with the luck of the draw...

As another passing thought, being a poor (in both senses of the word) college student, my crew and I have thought about an expansion for Lunch/Beer Money: Tuition! (College Funds?).

You'd have cards like BEER BONG (kinda like FIRST AID, but can also be used offensively for 2pts); ANATOMY/PHYSIOLOGY (like WEIRD, it increases the damage, 'cuz you know just where to hit your opponent); LATE FOR CLASS (like FASTER - you have to know the shortcuts and how to get around campus)... :)

Just a couple of thoughts there... :)

From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: Oct-3 4:47 pm
To: PsiberDragon
Message: 722.2
in reply to: 722.1

Hi there.

>As another passing thought, being a poor (in both senses of the word) >college student, my crew and I have thought about an expansion for >Lunch/Beer Money: Tuition! (College Funds?).
>You'd have cards like BEER BONG (kinda like FIRST AID, but can also be >used offensively for 2pts); ANATOMY/PHYSIOLOGY (like WEIRD, it >increases the damage, 'cuz you know just where to hit your opponent); >LATE FOR CLASS (like FASTER - you have to know the shortcuts and how to >get around campus)... :)

*grin* As someone who's gone "all the way" in academia (Ph.D.) I can definitely see the possibilities here. I think we'd have a hard time convincing Charlie Wiedman, though. ;)

-Michelle Nephew
Atlas Games