Card and Board Games MORE Lunch Money Questions (bunches...)
From: PsiberDragon Posted on: Sep-25 7:38 pm
Message: 725.1

First off, Thanks Azhad... you pointed out some things that I overlooked... still looking for one or two "official" rulings, but you've given me more to work with...

Ok... let's get THIS round started...

1. Can I play IMAGINARY FRIEND after playing a FIRST AID (on my turn, of course)?

2. Can I have more than one IMAGINARY FRIEND per round? (i.e. I play UPPERCUT2 for 6 (no basic attack following), then IMAGINARY FRIEND with HAIL MARY for another 7, then IMAGINARY FRIEND with BEATDOWN for 4 for a total of 17pts?

3. COOTIES!!! Can you get WEIRD COOTIES? (i.e. first and/or subsequent rounds dealing 3 points?) "WEIRD increases an attack by 2 counters and is played as part of the attack." So, my thought was that they CAN be WEIRD, but the question is, in essence: Does it last just the first round or does it continue to be 3pts each round? AND, if it DOES continue to be 3, if/when it's transferred, does it stay 3pts?

4. COOTIES re-infestation!!! Does FIRST AID save someone from COOTIES or do they drop before getting the medical attention? Basically, it's a timing question... which comes first?

5. HUMILIATION. Can I HUMILIATE someone's TANTRUM? If so, does it just stop one of the 5 attacks or does it stop all of 'em?

6. WEIRD. Can I play a WEIRD HAIL MARY as my (free) basic attack after a HUMILIATION? or with an IMAGINARY FRIEND's attack?

7. My good friend JABS me. I BLOCK. He GRABS me. Can I play a FREEDOM or DODGE to avoid this? I think yes, but it's been argued...

8. In a 3 player game, I'm GRABBED and CHOKED. Because I can't defend myself, the next player GRABS me and gives me COOTIES. Do I have the COOTIES or do they get transferred to my CHOKER?

9. WEDGY! If I WEDGY my opponent, and he gives me a POKE IN THE EYE for it (I can't defend), I know I don't take the damage, but am I still helpless for 2 rounds? Likewise w/ a STOMP or CHOKE? Basically, do I still suffer the ill effects, even if I don't suffer the damage?

10. WEDGY (redux)! I'm caught w/ a WEDGY. I BEAT DOWN my opponent for 3 points, then my IMAGINARY FRIEND hits him with a HAIL MARY. Does my IMAGINARY FRIEND do 6 or 7pts? Likewise, does WEDGY decrease the damage of my Weapon Cards?

11. Can I WEDGY someone 3 times? Do the effects stack (i.e. -3 to all attacks?

12. (Last one for the night, I promise). BACKLASH. I play a 2-FER and smack one opponent while kicking another (split the attack). They BOTH play BACKLASH. The rules state: "Counter loss from multiple-attack cards like BIG COMBO and 2-FER is turned around on the attacker, even if orginally split between opponents". So, that being the case, do I now suffer 12 points of damage??? Given the example in the rules, I'd say yes, but... wow... that would suck...

From: Ahzad Posted on: Sep-26 11:58 am
To: PsiberDragon
Message: 725.2
in reply to: 725.1

No problem glad I can help out. Good luck on that "offical ruling" I don't think Atlas monitors them (the forums) very well, maybe b/c they are a small company or whatever. They should have a rules questions email at the least, not these terrible forums they use.

I'll try to answer your questions the best I can in order. We've been playing this since the game came out and other than the Big Combo arguement we've not had to many problems trying to figure out the rules. For the record I'm in the camp that says BC can only be countered by Dodge's and Blocks. Anyway on to your questions, and remember these are just my opinions, YMMV.

1. Yes

2. There's nothing to say you can't play another IF. I would think the only thing limiting you is cards since you can't redraw. I would allow it.

3. Yes you can Weird Cooties but the 3 points apply only to the first intial damage. I don't think it would linger, and I think there's a rulling on these forums somewhere about cards that increase counter damage (weird, medieval) and their interaction w/ cards that have counter damage and special effects. In essence it affects only the counter damage and not the special effects (this applies to Backlash as well).

4. Any time a player would drop to 0 they can immediately toss the First Aids to save them if possible. There are only a couple of cards that prevent this Humilate, Horror of Horrors, Open Hand, and Pile Driver.

5. It stops them all.

6. No you can't b/c it allows you to play 1 free Basic or Weapon and Weird is a specialty card.

7. Yes you can.

8. That's an interesting one and I could see it go either way. My initial feeling is that I would say no b/c you have to actively try and get rid of them not just pass them along passively. We would put it to a table vote and go w/ the majority if we couldn't reach a consensus.

9. Again an interesting one. Our group initially played that you suffered none of the special effects b/c if you couldn't cause any damage then your whole attack was nullified. Lately we've reversed it and now play you don't cause any counter damage but the special effects still take place. The change was made b/c we wanted to be more violent. We tend to rule in favor of violence in keeping w/ the spirit of the game, at least to us anyway.

10. All your attacks are reduced by 1 weapons, and IF's. IF's is still an attack by you so the Wedgy applies to it as well.

11. I wouldn't see why not, that would be the atomic wedgie :o) and we would play it that way, but we would allow 1 Freedom to remove them all b/c we would see it as one Wedgy just getting tighter and tighter.

12. You would only take 6 pts. 2-Fer is 2 3 pt attacks that can be split, not 2 attacks doing 6 pts so there would be no way for them to Backlash it and get 12 pts.

Hope that helps out.

Here's an interesting variant that we have fun with. You know how the spinning attacks continue around when Dodged, right? We play that if it gets Dodged all the way back to the attacker, he/she has spun themselves dizzy and takes the damage from falling, running into something, ect., unless they have another spinning attack to keep it going. We find that it's a fun little variant.

Edited 9/26/2005 12:00 pm ET by Ahzad
From: PsiberDragon Posted on: Sep-28 1:50 am
Message: 725.3
in reply to: 725.2

OK... here's a couple of "disagreements" (way too harsh a word, but... )

First, a side note, though... I have noticed that the VP does check periodically... so maybe we should email him to get him to check these questions out...

11 - the "Atomic Wedgy", I'd play that you have to have all three removed by individual Freedoms (I mean, after all, you only have so much time to get "unconstricted"... just a thought after your dizzy dodged spinning backfist/roundhouse.. :D

12 - 2-FER/BACKLASH - if you look at the example in the rules (I don't have 'em right in front of me), it shows that the attacker splits the attack (1 attack for 3 pts at 2 separate opponents). Opponent A DODGES, while Opponent B plays BACKLASH. In the example, due to the BACKLASH, the attacker eats the whole 6 from the BACKLASH, while neither opponent takes damage.
So, in a related question, if one takes the damge and the 2d plays BACKLASH, how much damage do I take in return?

From: Ahzad Posted on: Sep-28 11:18 pm
To: PsiberDragon
Message: 725.4
in reply to: 725.3

11 - the "Atomic Wedgy", I'd play that you have to have all three removed by individual Freedoms (I mean, after all, you only have so much time to get "unconstricted"... just a thought after your dizzy dodged spinning backfist/roundhouse.. :D

That would be very nasty I will have to bring it up to the group for a vote.

12 - 2-FER/BACKLASH - if you look at the example in the rules (I don't have 'em right in front of me), it shows that the attacker splits the attack (1 attack for 3 pts at 2 separate opponents). Opponent A DODGES, while Opponent B plays BACKLASH. In the example, due to the BACKLASH, the attacker eats the whole 6 from the BACKLASH, while neither opponent takes damage.
So, in a related question, if one takes the damge and the 2d plays BACKLASH, how much damage do I take in return?

Yep, looking at the rules a bit more closely I would have to agree you would take 12 points, very nasty. I'll have to try it :o)

From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: Oct-3 5:46 pm
To: PsiberDragon
Message: 725.5
in reply to: 725.1

Hi there.

>No problem glad I can help out. Good luck on that "offical ruling" I don't think Atlas monitors them (the forums) very well, maybe b/c they are a small company or whatever. They should have a rules questions email at the least, not these terrible forums they use.

I think Ahzad is doing a great job fielding your questions. Unfortunately, since it's only John and I in the office, it's really difficult for us to answer every question when we get a big list like this. I've spent almost an hour going over your questions this afternoon ... you've got to remember that it's been almost a year and a half since I edited the rules for Beer Money and S&S, so to answer any questions I have to refamiliarize myself with all the rules, first. That's time that I really should have spent working on doing design work for our next release. We put together the FAQ to help with those questions that new players generally have (see, and this forum is designed so that experienced players can help you out (which seems to be working well!), but really it's going to end up being your gaming group that decides how you want to play it. I do check the forums as often as I can, and so do John and David ... for me that's usually once a week, but lately I've been swamped with the Dungeoneer: Realm of the Ice Witch press deadline. We try our best.

If you really have a question that the others on the forums can't answer for you, you can email us directly at But, again, limiting your questions to just those that really need an official judgment rather than general play questions will make us much more likely to be able to help you.

That said, I'm really glad to hear you're enjoying Lunch Money and Beer Money!

From: PsiberDragon Posted on: Oct-3 10:20 pm
To: Michelle Nephew
Message: 725.6
in reply to: 725.5


You guys really do rock. Just had to say it.

Being your standard "non-traditional student" (read: old guy back in school), I can appreciate being busy. I really wasn't overly worried about how long it took you guys to get back with answers (although they really do help :)). I figured if you got back to 'em in the space of a month, I'd be really fortunate.

The FAQ is a great thing, but it only goes so far, hence why I put in the (hugely overabundant) questions here. And you're right: Azhad seems to be doing a great job with his input.

With all that being said, Thanks. And, because it bears repeating: You guys rock! :)

Anxiously looking forward to your next project,

D. Alex Reams,
L/M Enthusiast. :)

From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: Oct-4 12:35 pm
To: PsiberDragon
Message: 725.7
in reply to: 725.6

Thanks for the thanks!

-Michelle Nephew
Atlas Games

From: Ahzad Posted on: Oct-12 11:32 pm
To: Michelle Nephew
Message: 725.8
in reply to: 725.5

Thanks, I try to be helpful when I remember to check in here.