Feng Shui Hoping for a Glimpse...
From: CCAMFIELD Posted on: Sep-27 4:20 pm
Message: 726.1

I guess I could put this in an email... sorry, I'm awfully tired today, and this seems easiest.

There was some talk last year about Glimpse of the Abyss being a February release, which I take it it wasn't. Is the supplement still on track to be released at some point?

From: John Nephew Posted on: Sep-28 12:06 pm
Message: 726.2
in reply to: 726.1

I hate to say it, but I'm still waiting for the former line developer to give me the working files, so I can pass them along to someone else. :( Whenever that happens, I may be able to make some vaguely meaningful prediction about a revised release date.

-John Nephew
President, Atlas Games

From: Sensei Posted on: Sep-28 5:42 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 726.3
in reply to: 726.2


Man, I've been waitin' for Glimpse for sooo loooong...

Perhaps this "former line developer" character needs a visit from my minion and his Floating Finger Poke of Crankiness schtick?

From: Tuura Posted on: Sep-28 10:41 pm
To: Sensei
Message: 726.4
in reply to: 726.3

What's Glimpse in the Abyss about?

Curious Feng Shui Newbie,


From: John Nephew Posted on: Sep-29 9:29 am
To: Tuura
Message: 726.5
in reply to: 726.4
Here's the product description on our website: http://www.atlas-games.com/product_tables/AG4014.php
From: CCAMFIELD Posted on: Sep-29 10:32 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 726.6
in reply to: 726.2

Thanks, John!

So, that would be Mr. Hindmarch, right?

... I guess it wouldn't be a good idea to send him a polite email, would it? i.e. we shouldn't harrass him....

Like, "please, please, please, send the Glimpse of the Abyss files to John Nephew"?

I guess that's more of a whinge than just polite! :D


Edited 9/29/2005 10:50 am ET by CCAMFIELD

Edited 9/29/2005 11:05 am ET by CCAMFIELD
From: Tuura Posted on: Sep-29 12:34 pm
Message: 726.7
in reply to: 726.6

I prefer something more painful such as, "When will Mr. Nephew get a glimpse at those files?"

Seriously though, I bought a lot sale (FS, Netherlands, Back for Seconds, Marked for Death) of Feng Shui on a lark, simply because it's an Atlas product and I've heard good things. But I was immediately impressed, more than impressed, I was like a zealous preacher telling my friends this is the game we must play. Since then I've bought several more items (The GM Screen and 4 Bastards, Seal of the Wheel) and I just love the game. Have I played it yet? No, but it's a great read filled with crazy ideas that I love.

Many games come out with product that is difficult to incorporate into long running games or into campaigns that are highly detailed, but Feng Shui over comes that hurdle easily and allows for published material to be quickly incorporated into a campaign. I love this! A monster book would be a fantastic addition to the game and I look forward to it, whenever that might be.

Now, to convince my players to try Feng Shui. Hmmmm, maybe I can redefine their tastes by taking over a Feng Shui site in...


From: CCAMFIELD Posted on: Sep-30 11:23 am
To: Tuura
Message: 726.8
in reply to: 726.7

Tuura, I'd suggest running a one-shot. Possibly the best Feng Shui session I was ever in was a one-shot on a New Year's Eve - in fact, the first time I'd ever played Feng Shui. (So maybe we were all fresh... that one-shot turned into a campaign which maybe went on too long.)

If they have a lot of fun, they may be ASKING you to run. And the time investment for both GM and players for a one-shot are fairly low, particularly in Feng Shui where you can put a character together fairly quickly.

From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: Oct-3 4:43 pm
Message: 726.9
in reply to: 726.1

Thought I'd mention some development on Glimpse of the Abyss ...

Since Jeff Tidball is going to be returning to work with Atlas Games, Glimpse is one of the projects we're planning on having him work on. Remember that Jeff used to be in charge of the Feng Shui line back in the day. This means, basically, that it's MUCH more likely to actually get done. John talked with Will Hindmarch, our last Feng Shui line developer, and got a promise from him that he'd send the files for Glimpse back to us. I think knowing that Jeff will be on board to do some development work on it has convinced him to part with it. ;)

-Michelle Nephew
Atlas Games

From: CCAMFIELD Posted on: Oct-3 10:48 pm
To: Michelle Nephew
Message: 726.10
in reply to: 726.9
What can I say but "huzzah!" :)