Card and Board Games Oh, BOY! _MORE_ LM questions!
From: PsiberDragon Posted on: Oct-1 12:10 pm
Message: 728.1

1. 2-FER/BACKLASH - Ok... Playing against A & B. I split the 2-FER attacks to deal 3 pts to each. Player A doesn't have a defense, while Player B plays a BACKLASH. Do I deal the 3 to A and take the 6 from B or does the BACKLASH take care the whole thing so I just eat the 6 and Player A takes no damage?

2. Again Playing against A, B, & C. I KICK(4) Player A who defends. Can my IMAGINARY FRIEND then attack Player B (with a basic attack)?

3. What do you think of a WIERD UPPERCUT(2), followed by a KICK(4) and an IMAGINARY FRIEND trying to convert ya with a HAIL MARY? :D