Ars Magica Item Creation and Wizards Communion
From: ArsNewbie Posted on: Oct-3 1:07 pm
Message: 730.1
I'm a little confused if i can do this or would it be too over powering in Ars 5 - Making Items to cast wizard's communion.
Can we do this? the discription says this spell is left over from mercurian rituals, but the spell descriptions does not classify this spell as a ritual. so a verditious could make lets say 4 - 6 items in a realitively short time which means everyone carrying the device would be able to cast the spell at a - spell target number divided by 6? supposing the spell is high enough to allow 6 casters to participate.
From: erik_tyrrell Posted on: Oct-3 2:09 pm
To: ArsNewbie
Message: 730.2
in reply to: 730.1

Is Wizard's communion Muto vim? If so there are additional restrictions concerning muto vim effects in items (see the muvi guidlines).

Otherwise it is a judgement call, the flavor text would seem to preclude it but I'd let it go if I were the one making the call. It's fun it isn't that much easier than having everyone learn the spell and if you make lesser enchanted devices then you eat up a lot of vis, if you make charged items you can only pull off the trick once.

In the saga I ran from 1998-2000 (in 4th ed when you could cast from texts) we had a bookstand with a creo imagonem effect instilled in it which allowed several casters to read and cast wizards communion simultainiously. I didn't find it overpowering.

From: Tuura Posted on: Oct-3 3:28 pm
To: erik_tyrrell
Message: 730.3
in reply to: 730.2

That bookstand is pretty clever, did it have a name? I curious if you have any elements of color/history to add. That would be a great "breaks the Hermetic Limits" item to drop into an Ars 5 campaign.


From: caribet Posted on: Oct-5 4:18 am
To: ArsNewbie
Message: 730.4
in reply to: 730.1

Wizard's Communion is Muto Vim.

A MuVi effect enchanted in a device can only affect other effects in the same device.
So the main answer is "no".

It's also far from clear from the WC description as a Mercurian spell-form, that it could even affect sibling-effects inthe same device.
When WC "lowers" the "effective level" for casting, it makes the spell easier to cast and grants higher Pentration (which is still Casting Total - modified level).
There is no "spell casting" going on: Device effects don't compare any total vs total to determine penetration or success - both of which are the alterations made by WC.
Device effects are invested by matching Lab Total to invested level - which is also not spell casting, and you wouldn't get to invest an effect with a reduced level just because of a WC effect.

So I would argue that it is entirely futile to invest WC into a device - the only applicable targets are inapplicable...

From: erik_tyrrell Posted on: Oct-5 9:18 am
To: Tuura
Message: 730.5
in reply to: 730.3

//That bookstand is pretty clever, did it have a name? I curious if you have any elements of color/history to add. That would be a great "breaks the Hermetic Limits" item to drop into an Ars 5 campaign.//

No it was actually made as a lesser enchanted device. It was a simple creo imagonem effect.

The game was in an old winter covenant and I used items created by one of the magi who had gone to twilight years ago (a criamon who went by the name "Bblue") to demonstrate magic item design. Another simple creo imagonem item that she created placed the image of a blindfold around a target's head. (The target would try and remove the blindfold only to discover that they couldn't manipulate an image with their hands).

Unless you're house ruleing or !!CENSORED NDA VIOLATION!! the bookstand won't do you any good in ars 5 because there is no casting from texts.

From: Tuura Posted on: Oct-5 12:09 pm
To: erik_tyrrell
Message: 730.6
in reply to: 730.5

I guess I read it as the stand allows you to read from text. My bad.
I'm getting old an incoherent. My apologise. I still like Bblue and the stand, pretty cool. I also like the premise of building items to demonstrate how magic works in Ars. That's clever as well. Again, my game has been running for over a decade now and I'm privledged to play with a number of seasoned vets. Still I have at least one newbie who could benifit from the introduction of some items as a way to learn the game. He likes magic swords, hmmmmm....


From: erik_tyrrell Posted on: Oct-5 1:01 pm
To: Tuura
Message: 730.7
in reply to: 730.6
No, it just made multiple copies of the text so that many people could read a single text simultainiously