Ars Magica On Detecting creatures of Might
From: YR7 Posted on: Oct-6 1:11 pm
Message: 736.1

Does one need to overcome the Might/Magic Resistance of creatures to detect them with InVi spells? It seems rather counterintuitive and not in accordance with what the guidelines imply.

The following are two spells for my saga; I decided the answer is "generally, no" but would love other's viewpoints.

Percieve the Faerie of Might InVi 4
R: Sight, D: Mom, T: Ind
You are able to sense the Faerie Might of the target to within one magnitude, but only if it is of “godly” power (Faerie Might 50 or more). Generally, the spell does not need to penetrate the creature’s Magic Resistance to detect it but the SG may rule otherwise for specific creatures if he feels their nature would protect them from the magic (for example, a faerie doppleganger taking the form of another character).
(Design: Base 1, +3 Sight)

Percieve the Might of the Faerie InVi 20
R: Sight, D: Mom, T: Ind
You are able to sense the Faerie Might of the target to within one magnitude. Generally, the spell does not need to penetrate the creature’s Magic Resistance to detect it but the SG may rule otherwise for specific creatures if he feels their nature would protect them from the magic (for example, a faerie doppleganger taking the form of another character).
(Design: Base 5, +3 Sight)

Edited 10/6/2005 1:13 pm ET by YR7

Edited 10/6/2005 1:14 pm ET by YR7
From: qcifer Posted on: Oct-6 6:45 pm
To: YR7
Message: 736.2
in reply to: 736.1

I'd say that yes it does have to penetrate it. Just as an Intelligo spell has to penetrate a Magus's Parma to effect him, the same applies here. If the spell were to detect the Species of the Faerie, then no, as those are thrown off by it, and not subject to the protection of its Might. But Might protects a creature the same way as it does a magus, against any spell or magical effect (from any realm) that touches it.

The thing to do is then to create a simple magical device, and add several extra levels to get a decent Penetration score. Then your result will be either A) it's not a Faerie B) It is a Faerie of X power or C) It's either not a Faerie or a REALLY powerful Faerie (which is sometimes obvious). It is counterproductive, but it is also consistent. Plus, then you won't have to worry about making exceptions for fae that have deception as part of their nature.

Bear in mind the effect you're describing is rather difficult in the first place in all honesty. Magi spend seasons trying to figure out what a magic device (Hermetic) can do, and how powerful it is. You're doing something similar for a living creature of a foreign realm with just a spell.

From: erik_tyrrell Posted on: Oct-7 8:40 am
To: qcifer
Message: 736.3
in reply to: 736.2
Something to remember is that if a spell fails to penetrate and comes back with no information for the caster, the caster will undoubtably be able to cross mundane beast off his list of most likley candidates for the creature's identity.

Edited 10/10/2005 11:42 am by erik_tyrrell
From: YR7 Posted on: Oct-7 4:56 pm
To: qcifer
Message: 736.4
in reply to: 736.2

Yes, I had a feeling this might be the answer. I'll stand by by decision for my saga, though; I don't want creatures to be of unknown Might and Realm in it (generally).

"Bear in mind the effect you're describing is rather difficult in the first place in all honesty. Magi spend seasons trying to figure out what a magic device (Hermetic) can do, and how powerful it is. You're doing something similar for a living creature of a foreign realm with just a spell."
The design part seems fairly straightforward, I'm just following the InVi guidelines: Might acts like a spell level, a different spell for every realm, and the spell gives indication of spell level [=creature Might] to within one magnitude.
The first spell uses the weakest InVi guidelines of all. It's a rather weak, trivial, spell really.

From: erik_tyrrell Posted on: Oct-7 5:50 pm
To: YR7
Message: 736.5
in reply to: 736.4

An in game justification for this may be that the might based resistence itself contains information regardingnthe cretures might and realm. The spells are not penetrating the magic resistance, they're taking the information from the magic resitance itself.

You might consider ahead of time how these spells will interact with the limit of the infernal to avoid having to make an on the spot judgement.

From: qcifer Posted on: Oct-7 6:33 pm
To: YR7
Message: 736.6
in reply to: 736.4

Sounds good, and I'll be checking out your PbP game in a bit and submit a character soon maybe.