Card and Board Games Lunch Money Question (Gripe)
From: Siggelsworth Posted on: Oct-13 1:46 am
Message: 743.1

Okay, not so much a question as a gripe:

Choke & Headlock -- I so hate 'em; but before you tell me to just take them out of my deck, know that I love 'em too. The idea of grappling in this kind of game is all too essential to the spirit of flurried fist-a-cuffs, and as such, I refuse to give up on them.

My gripe lies in the statistical effectiveness of these cards. When playing with just Lunch Money, who doesn't want to pull off that Headlock and start wailing on the other guy after everyone else has been sent home?!? But mix in Sticks & Stones and Beer Money (like all of us have), and let's face it, those Jabs, Uppercuts, and Stomps just don't come often enough to warrant even bothering. Likewise, breaking out of the holds gets less and less probable the more cards are in the deck; I don't know about anyone else, but I take no satisfaction in Choking a man to death (I'm talking in the game here, folks) because the odds were against his drawing a Headbutt.

Please tell me that someone has come up with a relatively simple way to update the usage of these with other attacks/defenses from the expansions. I would love to be able to grin mercilessly next time I draw one rather than wishing I'd drawn Spank instead (seriously, Spank? A jab is worth more in the hand for its versatility even if it only does 1). I am sooooo curious how others have dealt creatively with this.

By the way, Choke & Puke? Almost as worthless when playing with more than just a lone deck of Beer Money...except...that painful spewing is worth any lengths to make happen.

From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: Nov-3 3:17 pm
To: Siggelsworth
Message: 743.2
in reply to: 743.1

Hi there.

>those Jabs, Uppercuts, and Stomps just don't come often enough to warrant even bothering

Sounds like you just need to buy another copy of Lunch Money and customize your deck with extras!

(a pretty sorry attempt at salesmanship, I know ... I'll stop now. *grin*)

-Michelle Nephew
Atlas Games