Ars Magica Healing
From: WilliamEx Posted on: Oct-13 9:46 am
Message: 744.1

I'd like to make sure of something with you guys.

Let us create a magical robe that has an armada of CrCo spells built into it.

I'll have a trigger effect that activate an appropriate CrCo spell when the wearer is wounded. (There could be an InCo spell to act as a linked trigger)

The CrCo spells are as follows:

light/sun/Unlimited uses/added ranks to heal up to 5 light wounds
Medium/sun/Unlimited uses
Heavy/sun/50 uses per day
Incapacitating/sun/ 6 uses per day

Now if I get this right, this Robe would offer a magical soak of one level of each severity of dammage since each time the wearer would be hurth, the robe would heal him. Then, when he would take another level of dammage, the healed/temporary level would go first and the robe would re heal again.

After a combat, if the robe is taken off the wearer would find one would of each type suffered plus the extra multiple wounds that were suffered on a same blow. All these would show @ sunset & can then be healed with time &/or magic.

This robe would render almost invincible a caracter if I understand the CrCo temporary healing guidelines.

What do you think?

From: erik_tyrrell Posted on: Oct-13 10:09 am
To: WilliamEx
Message: 744.2
in reply to: 744.1

I think that you're missing the removal of body levels in fifth edition.

Wounds are not kept track of on a health level track. Instead you just collect the wounds and their penalties. In other words if you are lightly wounded and recievie another light wound you don't drop to medium wounds, you just tack on another penalty for a second light wound.

So if someone wore your cloak through an especially brutal combat, when sundown came they might have a dozen wounds appear on their body (which wouldn't kill them but it would remove any reasonable chance of them rolling a successful check of nearly any kind).

From: qcifer Posted on: Oct-13 10:11 am
To: WilliamEx
Message: 744.3
in reply to: 744.1

While powerful, it wouldn't render someone invincible. A blow that does enough damage to instantly kill someone would be unaffected by the enchantments. If the robe were taken off, destroyed, or had Winds of the Mundane Silence cast on it, there goes the protection. But basically you have a character who cannot heal any more except through the magic, and as soon as it is removed will likely drop if he's seen a lot of action. Plus, Warping would be a huge problem as soon as the wearer takes a wound he's under a powerful mystical effect. If he took serious wounds after a battle he might not dare take it off, but now he's under a constant powerful mystic effect and will begin to get warped. It would be a truly ironic punishment if the wearer was subjected to massive amounts of damage (but not killed) then the attacker could have the satisfaction of watching the person warp and twist as the seasons and years go by.

But the item would work pretty much as you say (it might need a more specific write up, such as the trigger effect), but I wouldn't be as worried about such an opponent as there are plenty of ways around it.

From: WilliamEx Posted on: Oct-13 1:13 pm
To: erik_tyrrell
Message: 744.4
in reply to: 744.2

I think that you're missing the removal of body levels in fifth edition.\\

It shows how many batles we do in our campain :P

Aldo I did not use the right terms, I think the logic was there in accordance with 5th ed wound system.

This is why I detail that the spell for light wounds could cure up to 5 light wounds. I'm not sure for the level but i would imagine something in the order of:

Healing touch is lvl 20 (Base 15,+1 touch,mom,Ind) hense mine would be something like (Base 20,Per, +2 Sun,Ind)= level 30 to heal up to 5 light wounds. We could make a level 40-45 to heal even more light wounds who are more common. Take in consideration that I don't have the book with me right now...

Add to this a decent soak bonus thru a MuCo/MuTe(He)(robe soak) which can lead to about a soak of 10 easilly & the Wearer is invincible!!! Well against mundane weapons anyway...

From: Tuura Posted on: Oct-13 1:29 pm
To: WilliamEx
Message: 744.5
in reply to: 744.4

My cloak of shame...

I spend a lot of time telling people to step back from rules tweaks that will cause your fellow players to hate you and always suggest a cautionary road when it comes to 'big spells.'

Having said this, I built this robe under Ars4. I did one better, and used the rules supplement in the Parma Fabula screen to tweak the load and soak of the robe. So I had a robe with a low load, a high protection, a modified soak bonus that I added to my soak total AND it healed wounds.

The day my Magus walked out of the lab was the first day he laughed.

God, am I munkin and I didn't know it? What have I become?

Chuck, the invulnerable

From: erik_tyrrell Posted on: Oct-13 6:22 pm
To: WilliamEx
Message: 744.6
in reply to: 744.4

\\Healing touch is lvl 20 (Base 15,+1 touch,mom,Ind) hense mine would be something like (Base 20,Per, +2 Sun,Ind)= level 30 to heal up to 5 light wounds. We could make a level 40-45 to heal even more light wounds who are more common. Take in consideration that I don't have the book with me right now...\\

If you've no book with you I've no right to give you grief about the item needing a range touch spell raher than personal to effect the wearer (unless it is the wearer's talisman).

From: WilliamEx Posted on: Oct-14 10:06 am
To: erik_tyrrell
Message: 744.7
in reply to: 744.6

You are right. I verified the book last night & it would seem that it would look more like:

(Base 15,+1 Touch, +2 Sun,Ind(+1 x10size))= level 35 to heal up to 10 light wounds.

This spell basically gives you a 'soak' of 10 light wounds. You would actually suffer them & will have to heal them later but in combat, unless one blow gives you more than 10 light wounds in one single blow, you will not suffer from any light wounds if the spell is casted after each blow reveiced hence the idea of a magical item that would do it for you.

hmmmm... I am tempted ...

From: qcifer Posted on: Oct-14 12:14 pm
To: WilliamEx
Message: 744.8
in reply to: 744.7

Why limit it to 10 light wounds? The magic itself is simple enough to say that it has unlimited uses and a constant effect. It really wouldn't make much of a difference, here:

Heal a Light Wound 15
Touch +5
Duration Sun +10
Target Ind +0
Trigger when receiving a Light Wound +3
Linked Trigger Environmental, renewed at Sun +3
Unlimited Uses +10

Total Level 43

The hardest difficulty I had was deciding how to get the healing to stay active once the sun went down. Ordinarily a constant effect is set to Sun Duration with 2 uses per day. But this needs to possibly heal multiple wounds as well as get triggered by being wounded.

There's really nothing to suggest how many light wounds it can heal, except the number of uses per day, and a level 43 effect wouldn't be much harder, but would use more vis to create.

If there's a problem with my math or how the trigger might work let me know. The person is still going to get warped most likely, but that warping wouldn't change if it was 1 healed wound or 10 or 50.

From: WilliamEx Posted on: Oct-14 1:17 pm
To: qcifer
Message: 744.9
in reply to: 744.8

Heal a Light Wound 15
Touch +5
Duration Sun +10
Target Ind +0
Trigger when receiving a Light Wound +3
Linked Trigger Environmental, renewed at Sun +3
Unlimited Uses +10

Total Level 46
Your version implies that healing a person that has two light wounds is as easy as healing a person with one light wound.

If you look that the ritual spell that heals one light wound you will notice that it heals just one wound. The reason why you can heal another after is because the 1st one is cured.

I do not believe that by casting the same healing spell that you just created, you can cure multiple light wounds received in one blow on one same target. The spell would always try to heal the same light wound/maintain the magic that heals that specific wound.

It is the same as if you we trying to levitate someone using a ReCo5. multiple instances of the same spell on one target will not make you levitate faster.

I would create it this way:

Heal a Light Wound 15
Touch +5
Duration Sun +10
Target Ind +0 (+5 x10)
Trigger when receiving a Light Wound +3
Linked Trigger Environmental, renewed at Sun +3
Unlimited Uses +10

Total Level 5

Then again, meaby I'm missing something...

From: qcifer Posted on: Oct-14 1:23 pm
To: WilliamEx
Message: 744.10
in reply to: 744.9
You can only take a single wound of any kind from a single blow. Whether its Light, Medium, Heavy or inc, you only receive one from the blow. So the spell won't get confused by that. Second the spell is triggered by receiving a light wound, not by maintaining a healed wound. Even if there's already a healed light wound, that wouldn't mean that the previous interferes, it is after all, healed already. Finally, the Unlimited uses prevents the problem you were talking about with the ReCo example. At least thats how I see it.
From: erik_tyrrell Posted on: Oct-14 1:34 pm
To: qcifer
Message: 744.11
in reply to: 744.8

//Heal a Light Wound 15
Touch +5
Duration Sun +10
Target Ind +0
Trigger when receiving a Light Wound +3
Linked Trigger Environmental, renewed at Sun +3
Unlimited Uses +10

Total Level 43


If there's a problem with my math or how the trigger might work let me know. The person is still going to get warped most likely, but that warping wouldn't change if it was 1 healed wound or 10 or 50.//

Sadly I see a problem.

An enchanted device can only produce one effect at a time (I don't have a page reference but I recall that someone showed me this rule when I was looking into the possibility of multi-casting items).

This isn't a big problem when getting wounded (as you'll rarely recieve more than one wound a turn) but it would be a problem come sunrise or sunset. How about changing the trigger to "the cloak is worn by a wounded person". Then the cloak can at least clean you up in a few rounds every sunrise and sunset.

Edited 10/14/2005 2:22 pm by erik_tyrrell
From: WilliamEx Posted on: Oct-17 10:21 am
To: qcifer
Message: 744.12
in reply to: 744.10

'You can only take a single wound of any kind from a single blow.'

True. I just reread it...

Still, if you were to suffer more than one wound in one round, my adaptation would cover it & sustain it. your would heal the first one suffered each round. if you were to suffer 2 light wounds in the same round, your spell would never be able to heal the 2nd one.

At Sunset, even if your removed the Robe, I would expect only @ worst that a few light wounds would shows up & meaby one of each other level if one was suffered during combat.

I would then make sure that I am laying on a bed of healing with a doctor to help the recovery.
Think about the glory gained !

Edited 10/17/2005 10:31 am ET by WilliamEx
From: erik_tyrrell Posted on: Oct-17 11:03 am
To: WilliamEx
Message: 744.13
in reply to: 744.12

//At Sunset, even if your removed the Robe, I would expect only @ worst that a few light wounds would shows up & meaby one of each other level if one was suffered during combat.//

I'd think that every single wound that you suffered during the day would come back. Why do you think differently?

Edited 10/17/2005 11:10 am by erik_tyrrell
From: WilliamEx Posted on: Oct-17 1:26 pm
To: erik_tyrrell
Message: 744.14
in reply to: 744.13

Okay, You see it all as independant wounds. It is more realist I guess.

Here is how the spell works. It heals one individual body that is suffering from a wound.

Let us take fire dammage for example:

Darius takes 30 dam from a fireball. He Soaks and ends up with a light wound. His robe heals the wound.

He then receives another fireball & gets the same treatment.

He the destroys the source & goes home.

At sunset (He removed the robe) will he suffer from 1 light wound or 2?

I say one. You would probably say 2.

I say the dammaged suffered the 1st time is the same then the one suffered the 2nd time. Hence, the 2nd time, the dammage was done to a magical buffer like effect.

There are other examples which render my logic more difficult. A man suffer a wound to one hand, healed by the robe & then another wound to the other hand, also healed by the robe.

At Sunset, would you find 1 or two wounds? If just one, where ? I would tend to say 2.

From: Tuura Posted on: Oct-17 1:28 pm
To: WilliamEx
Message: 744.15
in reply to: 744.13

I agree with Erik.

Duration Sun. Take the robe off, the Sun goes down, the woundS return. Your a bloody pulp on a bed. Now you can use magic to increase your recovery rate, or try to use some kind of momentary healing. But the Sun duration means this healing is magical and lasts only as long as the magic.

The mechanics of the game have changed from Ars4 to Ars5. The way I read it, every wound be it light or heavy or whatever represents that specific point of damage, rather than an abstract body level. With this in mind, I believe the spell could heal every wound, but each would return when the magic ended.

Ars no longer uses abstract body levels where -5 represents any number of blows. Now -5 represents a specific blow. So the magic heals that specific blow. This can be done over and over again, but when the magic ends the multiple wounds appear.

That's how I read it- I could be wrong.

The robe I built was a combination of increased soak totals and wound recovery. These ablities also needed to be activated and only lasted a short time. The reason I made their duration limited was to lower the chance of warping. The reason I focused on soak and protection was to avoid the issue of being hurt at all. If one lowers the chance that you suffer a wound, then the healing spells become secondary and less crucial to your survival.

Consider that if you use magic to increase both protection and soak and you still end up taking damage, then your in a situtation where you need to consider if it's worth staying at all. My character's two primary spells are Seven League Stride and Leap of Homecoming. But then, I play a practical magus more interested in surviving combat rather than being in it. Between Leap of Homecoming, an increased Soak and Protection, plus healing spells, my character is pretty tough to kill. However he doesn't stay around long to give people a second chance.


Edited 10/17/2005 1:30 pm ET by Tuura

Edited 10/17/2005 1:34 pm ET by Tuura
From: qcifer Posted on: Oct-17 3:04 pm
To: Tuura
Message: 744.16
in reply to: 744.15

If you want to add soak and avoid Warping, that's actually pretty simple. If you invent the Robe and the use a magical effect to make it more resilient than full Chain, the magic is on the robe not you, so no warping. If the Robe did a MuCo effect that raised your Soak, then you'd have to worry about Warping. I wouldn't look to Corpus to raise soak, the benefits will be less and the drawbacks greater (Warping plus desensitization). If you were to take a suit of Chain you could enchant it to be stronger and lighter so it doesn't give (much) a Load. In fact it would be a lot easier to raise full chain to a high soak than a robe to a high soak.

But bottom line, don't look to healing spells as a means of soak, it needlessly complicates things. The healing robe is a decent idea, and IMO should be able to heal at least one wound a round, which is great. Add to that effect an enhanced Soaking effect and you have a very useful item. Of course you might be better off making an item that incorporates Rego and prevents you from being hit in the first place, but that's a whole other tangent.

From: RobertRodger Posted on: Oct-30 1:04 am
Message: 744.17
in reply to: 744.16

I thought this would make a cool and appropriately 'magical' gift for a nobel in our game. I like the idea of magic being a two-edged sword, and wanted to make him ring that would instantly heal any wound that didn't kill him, but if he ever took it off he'd suffer all the wounds he received while wearing it at once.

I just really like imagery of it all. Especially if he doesn't know that proviso until after he's taken a lot of bad wounds.

From: qcifer Posted on: Oct-30 10:02 am
To: RobertRodger
Message: 744.18
in reply to: 744.17
Pretty standard really. Most magic items are like that in fact, where their magic ends when the item is removed or something. In fact, with the new rules a magic item is the ONLY way to make a Muto effect more or less permanent. Since permanent healing is the realm of Creo rituals, the only way to heal it permanently without a ritual is to use a magic item, and when the item is no longer in contact, the healing goes away. There is a further side effect though. When under the effect of a constant magical effect, you get Warped. As soon as the person wearing said ring gets wounded and then healed by it, the wound is actually magically suppressed. That constant magical effect will wreak havoc over time, plus there's no chance for that wound to heal naturally as long as the ring is on.