Card and Board Games Cthulhu500 - Fungi of Yuggoth crew card
From: SteveFirth Posted on: Oct-18 10:00 pm
Message: 746.1

Hi All,
a quick question about the special abilities of the Fungi from Yuggoth (FFY) crew.
I don't have the card in front of me but paraphrasing it goes something like, "Additional FFY crew add one to drive"

This has caused much contention each time we play. Here are some different possibilities that have been put forward whilst playing.

Do you need a FFY in the driver's position for additional FFY as crew to add to your drive stat?

Do you need a FFY either as driver OR crew for additional FFY as crew to add to your drive stat?

Do you need anyone in the driver's position for additional FFY as crew to add to your drive stat?

How does this work with the pushcart? +1 for the FFY AND +1 for pushcart crew?

Thanks in advance,

From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: Nov-3 3:25 pm
To: SteveFirth
Message: 746.2
in reply to: 746.1

Hi there. It's "For each Fungi Crew card in your pit crew, this card gains an additional +1 Drive bonus."

>Do you need a FFY in the driver's position for additional FFY as crew to add to your drive stat?

Yes. Only drivers actually have a USEABLE drive stat, so the extra ones in the crew add to the driver's stat. The drive stats of crew members are functionally useless.

>Do you need a FFY either as driver OR crew for additional FFY as crew to add to your drive stat?

>Do you need anyone in the driver's position for additional FFY as crew to add to your drive stat?

You need a fungi as a driver, AND at least one fungi as a crew.

>How does this work with the pushcart? +1 for the FFY AND +1 for pushcart crew?

One fungi in your crew would give you +1 to a fungi driver and +1 because of the pushcart. They stack.

-Michelle Nephew
Atlas Games