Card and Board Games Dungeoneer: Favourite Hero?
From: Evantas Posted on: Oct-23 12:15 pm
Message: 748.1

Considering that there are now 24 (soon to be 30) heroes to choose from among the 3 big + 2 small expansions, I'm wondering what hero do you people like and why?

My favorite is still the paladin despite the expansions. :) The main draw is the balanced stats, and the 'I will survive!' special ability of the paladin, which reduces the impact of terrible rolls.

From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: Nov-3 3:26 pm
To: Evantas
Message: 748.2
in reply to: 748.1

I still like the elf sorceress ... I just like the illustration. I actually have a signed print from Thomas in my office. :)

-Michelle Nephew
Atlas Games