Ars Magica Intellego & Warping
From: WilliamEx Posted on: Oct-30 9:28 pm
Message: 756.1

In 4th Ed. Some Intellego magic that only gathered information in a passif way did not have to peirce the parma in order do have it's intended effect.

In 5th ed, there is not talk about that so I believe it is blocked as any other spells. All fine with me but I find it hard to note a warping point every time that I am scanned. There is also the problem of the quasitores. If there investigation means that everyone involved will get 4-5 warping points, I doubt they have a very good reputation...

Is there a way to work this around?

From: Tuura Posted on: Oct-30 10:16 pm
To: WilliamEx
Message: 756.2
in reply to: 756.1

I'm curious why a magus would recieve warping points everytime they are 'scanned'. Do you mean scryed or do you have something else in mind? I just got True Lineages and am still reading through the book, so maybe I'm missing something. However I don't see a reason why Magi would gain warping for being the target of an Intellego Spell. Please enlighten me, if I'm missing something.


From: Berengar Posted on: Oct-31 2:45 am
To: Tuura
Message: 756.3
in reply to: 756.2

I guess that WilliamEx is referring to ArM5 p.168: "Anyone subjected to a powerful mystical effect gains a Warping point, ... "Powerful effect" is subjective, but any Hermetic spell of sixth magnitude or higher counts. ..."

So somebody targeted by an Intellego spell of 6th or higher magnitude not designed to target him in particular - and we know that Quaesitores have limited lab time - is warped. The wording "subjected to a powerful mystical effect" leaves however maneuvering space to rule that just being in an area scried by a 6th or higher magnitude spell does not warp you.

Kind regards,


From: WilliamEx Posted on: Oct-31 8:12 am
To: Berengar
Message: 756.4
in reply to: 756.3

//I guess that WilliamEx is referring to ArM5 p.168: "Anyone subjected to a powerful mystical effect gains a Warping point, ... "Powerful effect" is subjective, but any Hermetic spell of sixth magnitude or higher counts. ..."

I should have included that line. Sorry people.

//So somebody targeted by an Intellego spell of 6th or higher magnitude not designed to target him in particular - and we know that Quaesitores have limited lab time - is warped. The wording "subjected to a powerful mystical effect" leaves however maneuvering space to rule that just being in an area scried by a 6th or higher magnitude spell does not warp you. //

So this is the loop hole. It doesn't leave much space does it... Oh well, it will have to do.

Thanks for your help!

From: erik_tyrrell Posted on: Oct-31 8:26 am
To: WilliamEx
Message: 756.5
in reply to: 756.4
In addition to not being "subjected" to the spell if it does not penetrate parma, Intellego spells with sense targets (typically)target the caster rather than the sensed people. I'd say that if someone uses a sense target intellego spell on you, you probably won't get warping as you aren't the one subjected to the spell. (YMMV)