Official Announcements The Atlas Forums are MOVING
From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: Nov-3 4:46 pm
Message: 760.1

Well, it's been a few years now since our last move, so we figured it was time to shake up your lives a bit, just for the fun of it. ;)

Seriously, though, you may have noticed that we're in the process of moving our web site over to a new host ... yes, we know it's still messed up a bit, and we're working on it. Part of the reason we decided to move the site was to be able to host our VERY OWN forums, without the interruption of various ads and other distracting things. We think you're going to like the new forums.

The new forums are located at . I'll be relinking the icon on the front page of the website to the new location in a few days, and closing this forum down in a week or so.

We hope you find it easy to use, but if you have any trouble, visit and scroll down to the "End User Section." There are some nifty tutorials there that should answer your questions. Enjoy!

Michelle Nephew
Atlas Games

From: SirGarlon Posted on: Nov-3 6:16 pm
To: Michelle Nephew
Message: 760.2
in reply to: 760.1

Cool. I tried a little post to get some discussion started over there and it seemed to work fine.

Is there a way for you or some other administrator to make a "sticky" post? It might be nice to put in a post that gives the address of Project: Redcap and the FAQ.


From: Tuura Posted on: Nov-3 6:48 pm
To: SirGarlon
Message: 760.3
in reply to: 760.2

All these memories will be lost, like tears in the rain.

Sniff, sniff, ack!


From: AtlasPrime Posted on: Nov-3 7:06 pm
To: SirGarlon
Message: 760.4
in reply to: 760.2

Hi there. I'm not sure what you mean ... I enables html, so we should be able to include links. I could put a message in the administration section and leave it there ... unless there's some technical definition of "sticky" that I'm not aware of?

Michelle Nephew
Atlas Games

From: Ravenscroft Posted on: Nov-3 10:14 pm
To: Tuura
Message: 760.5
in reply to: 760.3
I'm sure Abraham Ray will still be able to find you though. :-)
From: StevePettit Posted on: Nov-4 1:36 am
To: AtlasPrime
Message: 760.6
in reply to: 760.4

A "Sticky" is a topic that always stays at the top of the list, no matter how old it is. Many boards use them, so that the board rules and FAQs are out in plain sight, for all to see (and freely ignore, in some cases).


From: StevePettit Posted on: Nov-4 1:37 am
To: Ravenscroft
Message: 760.7
in reply to: 760.5

Bad Ravenscroft, Baaaaaad!

Halloween was 4 days ago, don't scare us like that! :)


From: erik_tyrrell Posted on: Nov-4 8:51 am
To: Michelle Nephew
Message: 760.8
in reply to: 760.1

Will there be any way to save the archives from this forum?

I've found the ability to link to our previous discussions to be useful.

From: John Nephew Posted on: Nov-4 10:21 am
To: erik_tyrrell
Message: 760.9
in reply to: 760.8

> Will there be any way to save the archives from this forum?

Michelle and I were talking about this on the way into work. We don't know, but we're going to look into it.

-John Nephew
President, Atlas Games

From: AtlasPrime Posted on: Nov-4 10:35 am
To: StevePettit
Message: 760.10
in reply to: 760.6

Okay ... I found out how to do it in the new forum, so I'll put one up after getting some more discussion about it over there. Thanks!

Michelle Nephew
Atlas Games

From: AtlasPrime Posted on: Nov-4 10:35 am
To: erik_tyrrell
Message: 760.11
in reply to: 760.8

I think I can just set all the discussions to "read only" and then put a link somewhere on the new forums for reference. Unless anyone has a better idea?

Michelle Nephew
Atlas Games