Munchkin Gloom Card List


  • Clerical Error
  • Con Crud
  • Divine Intervention
  • Dungeon of Deadly Death
  • Hog the Spotlight
  • New Edition Rules
  • Rat On a Stick
  • Rules Lawyer
  • Senseless Act of Kindness
  • Split the Party
  • The Other Ring
  • Whine at the GM

Untimely Deaths

  • And Then There Were None
  • Couldn't Be Raised
  • Crossed the GM
  • Died Remarkably Rich
  • Drank from the Wrong Flagon
  • Failed to Flee
  • Fatally Fumbled
  • Gave Up on the Game
  • Had a Crisis of Faith
  • Paid a Terrible Price
  • Shouldn't Have Mumbled
  • Should've Known When to Run
  • Was Betrayed by the Dice
  • Was Consumed by a Flame
  • Was Deep Fried by a Dragon
  • Was Done In by a Lich
  • Was Properly Braised
  • Was Slain by a Wraith
  • Was Torn Apart by a Tree
  • Was Transformed Into Phlegm


  • Acquired an Axe
  • Backstabbed a Buddy
  • Dated the Designer
  • Dined with a Dragon
  • Had a Huge Horny Helmet
  • Made a Ridiculous Roll
  • Paid for the Pizza
  • Phound a Philtre
  • Picked a Pal's Pocket
  • Read Every Rule
  • Saw the Scenario
  • Stole Someone's Steed
  • Took a Teammate's Treasure
  • Was Part of a Prophecy
  • Angered Something Ancient
  • Battled a Bipolar Bear
  • Clashed with a Cockatrice
  • Contracted a Curse
  • Couldn't Kick Down the Door
  • Delved Too Deep
  • Didn't Notice the Nose
  • Didn't Read the Rules
  • Discovered a Duck of Doom
  • Dueled a Drunk Dryad
  • Found a Fungus... Of Love
  • Fought Flying Frogs
  • French-Kissed a Fiend
  • Grappled With a Gummi Golem
  • Hated the Hireling
  • Lost All the Loot
  • Made a Deal with a Demon
  • Met a Monster... And Mate
  • Met the Gazebo's Gaze
  • Plummeted Down a Pit
  • Pummeled a Potted Plant
  • Ran Afoul of a Fowl
  • Saw a Savage Seductive Snail
  • Swung the Wrong Sword
  • Triggered a Trap
  • Trusted a Thief
  • Was Aggravated by Armor
  • Was Beaten by a Baby
  • Was Caught Cheating
  • Was Charred by a Chicken
  • Was Harangued by Harpies
  • Was Mangled by Maul Rats
  • Was Mutilated by Mummies
  • Was Ogled by Ogres
  • Was Outnumbered by Orcs
  • Was Outwitted by an Ooze
  • Was Poisoned by a Potion
  • Was Randomly Reincarnated
  • Was Trashed by Some Trolls
  • Was Scarred by Scary Clowns
  • Was Taken Down by Teamwork
  • Was Too Good at the Game

Characters: Heroes

  • Chip-A-Dale
  • Gambledore
  • Knuckles
  • Sir Hacksalot
  • Sister Serenity

Characters: Villains

  • Bones
  • Ed'na
  • Hazel
  • Slagathar
  • Vzzl Vr'tzzl

Characters: Wild Bunch

  • Cronut
  • Holly
  • Pam
  • Phantom
  • Shinolas

Characters: Blenders

  • Friar Tock
  • Professor Hogwash
  • Rex
  • Shadowhoof
  • Ted

Other Cards

  • Reference Card #1
  • Reference Card #2