What’s New In Hounded’s Second Printing

Published by: Amelia Rengo

Hounded, our two-player strategy game, pits a wily fox against an experienced hunting party. Play as the Fox to see if you can last the day — or use your hounds to run the Fox to ground. We ran out of our first print run of Hounded early last year, but the reprint is now back in stock.

While nothing changed between printings in terms of gameplay, game producer Kyla did take this opportunity to tweak the rulebook layout and adjust the color and design on a few of the meeples.

Master of Hounds Meeple

Hunters Before&After WebRes

The second printing meeple (right) features a Master of Hounds with solid eyes and fairer skin compared to the first printing (left). We like to think the Master of Hounds applied his sunscreen before heading out for the day.

Terrier Meeple

Terriers Before&After WebRes

Here's the Terrier meeple from 2016 (left) and 2019 (right). The colors were adjusted in the second printing to make the Terrier look more like office dog Griffin (pictured below) — minus the tie.


Huntress Meeple

Hunter and Huntress

The Huntress isn’t normally included in Hounded — but she will be automatically included with every web order of the game placed by February 15, 2020. To play as the Huntress, just swap her in for the Master of Hounds and proceed according to the game instructions. Or, watch our how-to-play video below!

Hounded plays two people, ages 13+, in 15-25 minutes.


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