Magical Kitties Keep the Boredom at Bay

Published by: Audrey DeLuca

Looking for the perfect kids game for the brooding months of the year? Magical Kitties Save the Day will captivate players and allow imaginations to flourish! Check out our NEW RELEASES:

  • Our latest hometown release, Kitty Noir takes place in Sunset City where the kitties face their fishiest mysteries yet!
  • If your kiddo is ready to lead their own game, be sure to check out the Game Masters Kit. It comes with a sturdy, high-quality GM screen, a copy of Our Hometown Workbook, and a Kitty Colors poster.  
  • The Rainbow Paw Pin is just the thing to advertise your love of Magical Kitties to the world, and maybe even attract the attention of future players! 

Whether they're for you or someone you love, you can grab them at Plus you'll find the base game and lots of extra hometowns (aka campaigns) to choose from, to keep the kitty magic going fur-ever!


    Magical Kitties Save the Day