40 Years of Gen Con Website LIVE!

Published by: Atlas Staff
Gaming guru Robin Laws is working on writing the story of every gamer's lifetime. It's a history that reaches out to four decades of gamers to put together a vast collage of the Gen Con experience from every point of view -- from the gamers playing in the halls, to the staffers behind the scenes, to the exhibitors on the sales floor. We're collecting oral histories, photographs, reminiscences, and more to chronicle the best four decades in gaming!

The GenConHistory.com web site is designed specifically for you to share personal stories and photos, and for you to vote for your favorite submissions to help us make the best book possible. If you feel inspired by a rush of memories to share with posterity, or a discover of a box of old snapshots, we want to hear from you! If your submission(s) are used in the book, you'll get a complimentary copy of it and your name in the credtis. And if any of your submissions are ranked in the top 25 stories or top 25 photos, you'll receive a 4-day badge for Gen Con Indy 2007!

Submit Photos - We're looking for the shots that you still remember years later -- the things that make Gen Con so unique! We especially need photos from the earliest Gen Cons, so the older the better! And don't forget the "shoot-off" Gen Cons, like Gen Con East, Gen Con South, and Gen Con UK.

Submit Stories - "Remember that time at Gen Con when ..." If you catch yourself saying this phrase, write it down and turn it in!

General Discussion - Have ideas for things you'd like to see in the 40 Years of Gen Con book? This is the place to share your ideas, as well as tips, comments, and leads!

Visit the site now!

