A Not-So-Gloomy Tale

Published by: Atlas Staff

Lisandro's box was caught in a downpour

He wished Keith's name to restore

It was really no bother

To send out another

And now Lisandro is gloomy no more!

One of our diehard Atlas fans, Lisandro Gaertner traveled from his home in Belo Horizonte, Brazil for this year's Gen Con game convention in Indianapolis. While there, he played our brand-new Cthulhu Gloom game with its creator, Keith Baker, who signed the box on Lisandro's copy as a souvenir.

Things got particularly gloomy on the way home, though. The airline left Lisandro's duffel bag sitting on the runway in the rain, and while the unique transparent cards weathered the wetting just fine, the autographed box was a goner.

Lisandro wrote to us through the Atlas Games website, using the Customer Service fillable form, and asked if Keith would be willing to sign the box on a brand-new copy, for which he'd happily pay just to replace the autograph. Atlas office assistant Jess happily informed him that there were some unused boxes hanging around after sending out replacement cards to other satisfied customers, and sent one winging off to Keith, who was very gracious about signing it after he heard Lisandro's woeful tale.

A few short weeks after his return from Gen Con, Lisandro received his new, not-rained-upon Cthulhu Gloom box. And though you may never meet with such snarly circumstances yourself, rest assured that Jess is willing to go the extra mile(s) to meet your customer service needs!

