An Origins Story

Published by: Atlas Staff
Once upon a time, a band of hearty adventurers set out for a distant gathering of great renown. Their path crossed the wild Midwestern Plains, where only cheese and windmills break the monotony of travel. But the quest was worthy, for in that distant city named for an explorer of dubious skill, they aimed to spread enthusiasm for gaming, share grand messages, and meet with all the world's creative folk.

In other words, the Atlas Games crew is headed to the Origins Game Fair this week! Here are some highlights you can look forward to:

  • Get your first taste of Feng Shui 2! Cam Banks will be running demos at Games on Demand on Friday and Saturday.
  • Pick up our new promo story card for Gloom, "The Looking Glass," at the Atlas Games booth (hosted by Adventure Retail). Make sure you grab a Gloom bookmark and play an expertly run demo while you're there!
  • Jess Banks is making appointments with retailers, convention organizers, and Special Ops crew who want to chat about anything and everything. Mutually beneficial relationship FTW!

Stay tuned to the Atlas Games blog, as well as our various Facebook and Twitter accounts (@atlasgames, @boymonster, @ProfBanks) for more details on our Origins offerings and adventures throughout the week.


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