Atlas Games at Gen Con 2015

Published by: Atlas Staff
Gen Con — the greatest four days in gaming — is upon us!

Find Us in the Exhibit Hall

Find us at booth 1401 in the exhibit hall, where we'll be running demonstrations of Feng Shui 2, Three Cheers for Master, and other titles as the mad whim strikes us.

If you're angling to pick up a copy of Three Cheers for Master at the show, you should know that we'll have a limited number available each day, because we're still waiting on our reprint. We'll have plenty of copies of new release Munchkin Gloom, though. We dare you to try to run us out.


Join Us for Our Scheduled Events

Three Cheers for Master: We're running a series of Three Cheers for Master learn-the-game and play-a-light-tournament events, where the winners each day compete for Master's undying affection in our booth on Sunday. Atlas President John Nephew made awesome plaques for every day's winner, as well as for the grand champion. Thursday 9a–12p (CGM1575645), Friday 9a–12p (CGM1575646), Saturday 9a–12p (CGM1575647)

Gloom: If Gloom is more your style, come visit us at the Very Gloomiest Afternoon Tea Party, where you'll mix Gloom, Cthulhu Gloom, Fairytale Gloom, and Munchkin Gloom to compete for the inaugural Gloomiest Teacup Trophy. Sadness will surely abound, and designer Keith Baker will be on hand for part of the event to adjudicate your misery. Friday 4p–6p (CGM1575648)

Feng Shui 2: Chi Warriors should plan to attend the Feng Shui Panel & Chi Warrior Meet-up, where the team behind Feng Shui 2 will be on hand to answer your burning questions and bestow a suitable reward to the winner of the Most Magnificent 20-Second FS2 Anecdote Contest. Thursday 4p–5p (SEM1575649)

Ars Magica: Our seminar on the future of Ars Magica will feature talk about all of the mad plans we've got for that game's future, including (but not limited to!) our Gumshoe game set in Mythic Europe. Saturday 5p–6p (SEM1575651)

Designing RPGs: Last but not least, we've scheduled an experimental seminar not directly tied to any of our game lines about creating awesome RPGs. If you believe — as we do — that creating great games is a worthwhile ambition, join us! Saturday 3p–4p (SEM1575650)


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