Atlas Games at Gen Con 2016

Published by: Atlas Staff
It's that time again! Road trips, booth set-up in an un–air conditioned dealers' hall, and shrimp cocktail at St. Elmo Steak House. That's right, Gen Con 2016 is right around the corner, and Atlas Games is offering games, panels, and retail fun for everyone.

For those who want to get a first look at our newest roleplaying games, we've got several ways to get the scoop. Cam Banks will be running his demo adventure "Arc of Gabriel" for the upcoming sci-fi game Pillar of Fire on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday mornings at 9:00 a.m. There's also a Pillar of Fire panel where you can ask all your "burning" questions on Thursday at 12:00 p.m. You can play our new Ars Magica/Gumshoe mash-up in "Tales of the Quaesitors" with Jeff Tidball Thursday afternoon and Friday morning. Everyone can hear about the exciting developments on the new Third Edition of Unknown Armies, following its successful Kickstarter, at 5:00 p.m. on Friday. And don't forget to attend the ENnies on Friday evening to see Feng Shui 2 win all sorts of awards!

You can enjoy our card games, new and old, at a number of events throughout the weekend. Join us for a Fast & Fhtagn Urban Road Rally on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday afternoons. You can also bring Master some much needed joy at the Three Cheers for Master "learnaments" — no experience necessary! — on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Finally, it's our displeasure to invite you to the Second Annual Very Gloomiest Afternoon Tea Party on Saturday at 2:00 p.m. You'll have a terrible time with other Gloom sufferers.

There's even a chance to talk to Atlas Games staff about how to cultivate healthy relationships with game publishers at a panel on Thursday at 6:00 p.m. Whether you're a fan, a customer in need of service, a volunteer who runs our games at stores and conventions, or a game designer looking for a publisher, we can give you helpful tips and tricks to get the most out of your interactions with an established publisher like Atlas.

Visit us at Booth #1401 in the exhibit hall to try and buy games old and new, and bring generic tickets to our events, even if the schedule shows them as full. We can't wait to see you all!

