Atlas Games Licenses Northern Crown Support to Adamant Entertainment

Published by: Atlas Staff
Atlas Games is pleased to announce that negotiations have been finalized for a licensing agreement with Adamant Entertainment. Adamant has secured the right to publish adventures and supplements for the Northern Crown campaign setting in both PDF and Print-On-Demand formats.

Northern Crown is a d20 System® campaign world set in North America's legendary past, in an age of frontier adventure, political intrigue, and supernatural horror. Inspired by history and infused with myth, it is a place where heroes fight for freedom, chart and vast wilderness, and battle unknown evils.

Atlas will release the Northern Crown: New World Adventures and Northern Crown: Gazetteer campaign books simultaneously this August. Adamant Entertainment will have a free PDF adventure ready for the release, and will be regularly releasing PDF and Print-On-Demand adventures and supplements, with Northern Crown's author/illustrator, Doug Anderson, acting as Line Developer, in the following months.

