Blowing Up Hong Kong Review & Others

Published by: Atlas Staff
Matthew Pook (aka Pookie) just let us know that his review of Blowing Up Hong Kong for Feng Shui is now posted on Pyramid. If you have a Pyramid account, read it now!

And don't forget to check out these other recent reviews, articles, promos, and ads:

  • Article on Northern Crown in Game Trade Magazine in July
  • Banner ads for Northern Crown on ENworld and in July
  • Advance review of Northern Crown on ENworld in July
  • Advance review of Northern Crown in Casus Belli
  • Mention of Northern Crown, Ars Magica: The Divine, and Gloom: Unhappy Homes in July's ICV2 (Q3 2005, #8)
  • July review of Seven Civilizations (Penumbra D20) in Pyramid
  • Free adventure for Northern Crown available in August through Adamant Entertainment
  • Gloom listed on Toy Directory Monthly's Best Games list in August
  • Contest featuring Northern Crown on Game Trade Magazine's web site in August
  • Review of Northern Crown in August's Scrye
  • Article and cut-out promo card for Gloom: Unhappy Homes in August's Game Trade Magazine
  • Letter Head named to "Top 10 Efficient Components" list in Games Quarterly
  • Mention of Northern Crown in September's Dragon magazine
  • Banner ads for Let's Kill on Board Game Geek and in September and October
  • Review of Gloom: Unhappy Homes in October's Game Buyer
  • Review of Northern Crown in November's Black Gate Magazine

