Four More Chances for a FREE Gen Con Badge!

Published by: Atlas Staff
For week number two of our 40 Years of Gen Con FREE badge promo, we've just added four new topics. Remember, you'll have two weeks to post your submissions and vote at . The NEW topics are:

Milwaukee: MECCA PHOTOS - Due Noon, Jan 22, 2007
Submit your best photo from when Gen Con was hosted in Milwaukee at the MECCA/Wisconsin Center from 1985 to 1997.

UW-Parkside PHOTOS - Due Noon, Jan 22, 2007
Submit your best photo from when Gen Con was hosted at UW-Parkside from 1978 to 1984.

Best Travel STORIES - Due Noon, Jan 22, 2007
Submit your best story or experience about how you got to Gen Con.

Best Love or Romance at Gen Con STORIES - Due Noon, Jan 22, 2007
Submit your best story or experience about Love... True Love which bloomed at Gen Con.


Also, there's still one more week to turn in submissions and vote for last week's topics:

Indianapolis PHOTOS - Due Noon, Jan 15, 2007
Submit your best photo from when Gen Con was hosted in Indianapolis from 2003 to present.

Milwaukee: Midwest Express Center PHOTOS - Due Noon, Jan 15, 2007
Submit your best photo from when Gen Con was hosted in Milwaukee at the Midwest Express Center from 1985 to 2002.

Best CCG STORIES - Due Noon, Jan 15, 2007
Submit your best story or experience about a Collectible Card Game.

Best Kid or Family STORIES - Due Noon, Jan 15, 2007
Submit your best story or experience about Kids or Families at Gen Con.

