Free Gen Con Badges Week 8

Published by: Atlas Staff
Congratulations to our new winners at , who received FREE 4-day badges to Gen Con Indy! They include ...

Henchman213's story about a chainmail bikini's miraculous powers ...

JesterSB's story about a cell phone call during a seminar with R. A. Salvatore ...

Cynthia Hart's Hogwart's LARP photo and Bart Miller's picture of "Cardhalla" ...


Think you can do as well? There's still time! Four new topics were posted today ...

Best Playboy Resort Gen Con Story - Due Noon, Mar 5, 2007
Submit your best story or experience from when Gen Con was hosted at the Playboy Resort in 1977.

Best Story about a Volunteer, Staff Member, or Exhibitor - Due Noon, Mar 5, 2007
Submit your best story or experience about a Volunteer, Staff Member, or Exhibitor at Gen Con.

Album: Seminar - Due Noon, Mar 5, 2007
Submit your best photo while at a Seminar during Gen Con.

Album: Kids or Families - Due Noon, Mar 5, 2007
Submit your best photo of Kids or Families at Gen Con.


And there's still one week left to post submissions for these topics ...

Best RPG Story - Due Noon, Feb 26, 2007
Submit your best story or experience during a Role Playing Game at Gen Con.

Best Miniatures or Wargame Story- Due Noon, Feb 26, 2007
Submit your best story or experience during a Miniatures Battle or Wargame at Gen Con.

Album: Board Game - Due Noon, Feb 26, 2007
Submit your best photo during a Board Game at Gen Con.

Album: Alternate US Gen Con - Due Noon, Feb 26, 2007

Submit your best photo while at Gen Con East, Gen Con South, or Gen Con SoCal.

