GenCon News
Our thanks to David for announcing the ENnies awards while we were away from our computers! And congratulations to him as line developer, and to all the playtesters whose hard work made the "Best Rules" gold award possible! Our thanks and congratulations also to Scott Reeves for his artistic contributions to the "Best Production Values" silver award.
In other GenCon news, the con went really well for us. Besides having a LOT of people interested in Gloom demos at the booth (thanks to Matt Muth, Fabio Rojas, Wendy Wyman, and Mark Reed for their help!), we were also showing the prototype for Let's Kill to select people, and got good comments about it across the board.
Monte Cook also unveiled "The Year's Best D20: Volume One" ... a book compiling what he considers the best elements from the past year of the hobby games industry's D20 releases. In it he used several pieces from Love and War by David Chart, published by Atlas Games, including Counterstrike, Coward's Bane, Damaging Spell, Dying Blow, Might of Courage, Spell Cleave, Spell of Opportunity, and Warrior's Path. Congratulations, again, to David!
In other GenCon news, the con went really well for us. Besides having a LOT of people interested in Gloom demos at the booth (thanks to Matt Muth, Fabio Rojas, Wendy Wyman, and Mark Reed for their help!), we were also showing the prototype for Let's Kill to select people, and got good comments about it across the board.
Monte Cook also unveiled "The Year's Best D20: Volume One" ... a book compiling what he considers the best elements from the past year of the hobby games industry's D20 releases. In it he used several pieces from Love and War by David Chart, published by Atlas Games, including Counterstrike, Coward's Bane, Damaging Spell, Dying Blow, Might of Courage, Spell Cleave, Spell of Opportunity, and Warrior's Path. Congratulations, again, to David!