Lee Moyer Kickstarter

Published by: Atlas Staff
Veteran Atlas Games illustrator Lee Moyer sent me an update on his Cthulhoid Monopoly-esque board game that I thought might might interest everyone ...

"This week my game "The Doom That Came to Atlantic City" debuts on the fundraising site Kickstarter: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/forkingpath/the-doom-that-came-to-atlantic-city. We made a short film you can watch at the top of their page that explains more.

"This game has been more than twenty years in the making (I write a detailed history of the game here in my online journal: http://leemoyer.wordpress.com/2012/05/07/the-doom-that-came-to-atlantic-city/), it's a fun light-hearted role-playing game I began with dear friends in DC. Over the years, it grew to combine the writings of H.P. Lovecraft with the horrors of Atlantic City (You remember Atlantic City right? The place so many of us struggled and cried over as children playing an "innocent" game).

"I did all the art and design. Keith Baker made the gameplay fun and interesting. And the brilliant Paul Komoda sculpted the eight lovely (or terrifying as the case may be) playing pieces. While elements of Doom are reminiscent of an infamous real estate trading game, the gameplay is completely different. Instead of playing a puny mortal building a city and making your little brother hate you, you play one of the Great Old Ones, seeking to tear down Atlantic City."

