Let's Kill is Off to Press

Published by: Atlas Staff
Last night Michelle put the finishing touches on Let's Kill, the delightful little card game of imaginary mass murder, and this morning the mailman picked up the materials for delivery to our printer. This means the project so far remains on time for release in October. We hope it will make it into stores in time for Halloween. This game doesn't have to deal with any border-crossing perils, but unpredictable delays are always possible nonetheless.

The Divine Arrives in the Warehouse

Meanwhile, my day has been one of back-breaking labor. Realms of Power: The Divine was delivered to our dock a couple of hours ago, and I've been busy packing orders. I just finished all the orders for all the non-US distributors who had their numbers in on time, so they're ready for the daily UPS pickup, which should happen any minute now. After the little break I'm taking I'll get to work on the US distributors, to whom we will ship on Monday.

