Mad Scientists are Hip ... Who Knew?

Published by: Atlas Staff
We just got back from the GAMA Trade Show in Las Vegas, showing off Mad Scientist University to very positive response. People universally liked our "30 second demos," and the storytelling aspect of the game that makes it so fast and easy to learn. We had several podcasters stop by the booth, so we should hopefully be putting up links to their reviews in the coming weeks.

It turns out that this is the year of the mad scientist. White Wolf with its new Mwahaha board game, and upstart Bucephalus Games -- headed by Dan Tibbles -- with THREE new mad scientist-themed games coming out soon. I personally liked the sound of the one featuring mutated escaped lab rats ... who doesn't love rodents with tentacles? Bucephalus has an ambitious schedule planned for the year ... over 30 games in the works! And from the looks of the demos at their booth, we can expect good things from them in the future.

We also featured a prototype of our upcoming Where the Deep Ones Are children's book at our booth. It generated a lot of excitement, and the promise of a 2-page article on it in an upcoming issue of Game Trade Magazine!

