Metacreator: Ars Magica Update

Published by: Atlas Staff
At Con of the North weekend before last, I got a chance to chat a bit with Peggy Kvam of Alter Ego Software, makers of the very excellent Metacreator program for creating and updating characters. Peggy gave me an update on Metacreator and Ars Magica, and the news is all good. First, they've finished some other projects and are about to commence on the 5th Edition update for the Ars Magica Metacreator template. Second, folks who buy the current (4th Edition) incarnation of the Ars Magica metacreator template will get a free upgrade to the 5th edition template when it's available. So if you've been thinking about buying this superb software, there's no reason to delay!

I also learned that Peggy and her Alter Ego co-conspirator, Bruce Kvam, will be running a Metacreator workshop at The Source Comics & Games later this month. It will be on March 19th, between 4:00 and 6:30 PM.

